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The only known Razzashi Raptors were said to have been in the custody of Bloodlord Mandokir in Zul’Gurub. This species of raptor has not been seen in many years. With this rare stylish olive-colored raptor you can explore Azeroth in an “ancient” style. The Swift Razzashi Raptor was a rare drop from the boss Bloodlord Mandokir in Zul’Gurub. This mount could drop for both factions, making it quite popular for the Alliance. With the removal of Zul’Gurub as a raid in Patch 4.0.3, this mount became no longer obtainable.In Warlords of Draenor, it was added to the Black Market auction house. The Drop rate of this mount was about 1%. It was the first of the few Raptor mounts available to the members of the Alliance. It was originally the only way for Tauren players to ride as well.Having this mount awards the Feat of Strenght (Swift Razzashi Raptor). It is quite hard and time-consuming to achieve, so you can use our Wow Swift Razzashi Raptor Mount Boost Service.
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