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The Viridian Sharptalon - a vicious, long lost cousin of the raptor has the ability to hunt its prey by hiding in plain sight, an ability which not many feathered predators possess. With the help of its green and purple feathers, it can easily hide in plain sight in jungle leaves and other natural fauna, blending perfectly with the environment! This strange feathered raptor-bird is kind of similar to other prehistoric creatures like ostriches, but it's clearly related to the modern-day raptors that roam Azeroth today!The mount is awarded by finishing the quest Sharptalon Reunion that you can start from Sharptooth Hatchling located in Val'sharah.If you too want to run around with this beautiful raptor, then order our WoW Viridian Sharptalon Mount Boost Service and our team of talented players will help you add this mount to your collection.
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