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WoW Classic Hardcore Frost Mage AoE Guide


Unleash the Chaos: The Wild World of AoE Mages!

Hey there, fellow mages! Get ready to dive headfirst into the exhilarating realm of Area of Effect (AoE) madness. Brace yourself for a thrilling ride filled with control, nuking, and the potential for enormous damage. But hold on tight, because it's riskier than a gnome trying to ride a kodo!

  1. Unlimited Power and Speed...with a Twist Let's get real here: no other class, especially in the hardcore scene, can match the leveling speed and earning potential of an AoE mage. You'll be turning mobs into ash faster than a gnome on a sugar rush. But here's the catch: the likelihood of survival is about as small as a goblin's conscience. So, if you're up for the challenge, buckle up and get ready for a wild and dangerous ride. Just don't forget to bring spare undies!

  2. Kiting Masses and Blowing Them to Bits Picture this: you're surrounded by a horde of mobs, and the only way out is to kite them like a master. The feeling of unleashing devastating spells and watching those mobs crumble into pixelated dust is indescribable. It's like playing a real-life game of explosive dodgeball, except you're the one throwing the explosive balls! Kudos to those brave gigagamers who manage to reach level 60 primarily through AoE. You're the true champions of chaos!

  3. Think Beyond the Farming Spots An AoE mage is not limited to the usual farming spots you see. Oh no, my spell-slinging friend, you have the freedom to weave in convenient questing and conquer those juicy grinding locations. Why settle for average when you can turn every corner of Azeroth into your personal magical playground? The world is your oyster, and you're the mage with the keys to explosive success!

WARNING: Proceed with Caution, Apprentice Mages! Now, before you jump headfirst into the whirlwind of AoE mage glory, let me offer a word of caution. If you're unfamiliar with the ways of the AoE mage or even the mage class in general, it's best to hold off on hardcore experimentation. Trust me, it's like trying to tame a wild gryphon without any flying lessons. Instead, dip your toes in the water with multilife experiences or private servers where mistakes won't have dire consequences. You can watch all the videos and read all the guides, but nothing beats the hands-on experience of mastering the rotation, understanding mob behavior, and figuring out what to do when chaos hits the fan. Seasoned AoE mages may make it look easy, but most of their moves are pure muscle memory from countless hours of practice.

So, my fellow mages, embrace the chaos, harness the power, and venture forth into the realm of AoE madness. Just remember to bring your sense of adventure, your quick reflexes, and a healthy supply of fire-resistant underwear. It's time to become the mage that sets the world ablaze with magic!

Best Race

Race Selection: A Matter of Marginal Impact

Alright, fellow AoE mages, let's dive into the world of racials and how they fit into our explosive playstyle. Brace yourself for a brief rundown, because truth be told, most racials don't significantly impact our AoE mastery. But fear not, we'll still have a good laugh along the way!

Alliance Options, Ho! Gnome Ah, the ever-charming gnomes! If you're looking to optimize your AoE potential, gnome is the way to go. Why, you ask? Well, they come with a delightful 5% intellect buff, which means a larger mana pool for all your spell-flinging needs. With a bigger mana pool, you can pull more mobs and let your creative juices flow when it comes to devising their demise. Plus, let's not forget the nifty escape tools at your disposal, like Blink, which can save your gnome-sized rear when things get hairy. Oh, and did I mention that Escape Artist can be a lifesaver when you're feeling adventurous and want to attempt pulls on those pesky rooting mobs? Gnomes, the clever choice for AoE chaos!

Human Now, my human friends, I hate to break it to you, but when it comes to AoE mage goodness, humans don't bring much to the table. The spirit bonus they offer is about as useful as a paladin without a righteous cause. Let's face it, in the midst of our AoE carnage, mana regeneration during pulls is a rarity. Sure, it might marginally decrease your downtime between pulls, but we're here for the grand spectacle of mass destruction. Humans are better suited for those who prefer the single-target style of mage mastery. But hey, at least you can still rock that fashionable human look!

Horde Considerations, My Friends Here in the Horde, we have a bit more freedom when it comes to race selection. It's like a buffet of options, so go ahead and take your pick. Let's explore, shall we?

Troll Ah, the mighty trolls! If you choose to dance with the trolls, you'll enjoy the benefits of Berserking. Now, Berserking won't turn you into a one-gnome wrecking crew, but it can give you that extra oomph to potentially finish off your pulls with a bang. Just remember to unleash your inner berserker wisely, my friend.

Undead Last but not least, we have the cunning undead. What do they bring to the AoE mage feast? Well, consuming corpses can be handy in saving a bit of coin on bandages. I mean, who doesn't appreciate a little financial relief while wreaking havoc? But let's be honest, every self-respecting AoE mage should have First Aid trained anyway, so the benefit is rather marginal at best. Still, the undead have their own unique charm and a knack for finding opportunity in the chaos.

So there you have it, my fellow mages. When it comes to choosing your race for AoE madness, remember that the impact of racials is rather marginal. Go for the gnomes if you crave intellect and escapades, consider humans for single-target finesse, and embrace the trollish fury or undead resourcefulness if you're part of the Horde. Just remember, no matter your race, we're all united in our love for explosive spectacle and the art of controlled chaos. Now, go forth and unleash your AoE powers upon the world, my spell-slinging comrades!

Useful Terms

Let's Dive into the Lingo: AoE Mage Edition!

Alright, fellow AoE mages, it's time to break down some of the jargon that swirls around our explosive playstyle. Don't worry, I'll make it informative, engaging, and sprinkle a dash of humor into the mix. Buckle up, 'cause here we go!

Pull Now, a pull is not some fancy dance move you bust out at the club. In AoE mage lingo, it refers to the glorious act of gathering a group of mobs and attempting to turn them into a pile of smoldering rubble all at once. It's like herding cats, but with way more fireballs and arcane explosions. So, gather those unsuspecting enemies and let the chaos commence!

Lee-way No, it's not a fancy term for taking a break and basking in the sunlight. Lee-way actually refers to the extended spell and melee range you get when you jump or move. Now, this can work in your favor when you're jumping around like a caffeinated gnome, ready to unleash your arcane explode on a horde of baddies. But be warned, it works for enemies too! They can hit you from a bit further if you decide to take the airborne route. So, jump strategically, my friends, and watch out for those leaping adversaries.

Spell Hit Ah, the magical realm of spell hit. It's all about the chance for your spells to make a solid connection with their intended targets. Spells have a fixed percentage to hit, and it's a game of probabilities. When you're facing a foe at the same level as you, your spells have a base chance to hit of 96%. That's pretty darn good, right? But hold on, there's always a pesky 1% natural resist, just to keep things interesting, even if you stack your hit chance to a hundred. Now, if your target happens to be a level above you, the hit chance drops a bit. It goes like this: +1 level compared to caster: 95%, +2 levels: 94%, and +3 levels: 83%. So, aim true, my friends, and may your spells find their mark in the chaotic battleground.

Downranking Now, downranking isn't about giving a lower rank to someone in the mage hierarchy (although that would be amusing). It's all about using a lower rank of a spell, but for a good reason. Sometimes, you want to unleash the full effect of a spell, like a frost nova for its root, but without draining your mana pool completely. That's where downranking comes into play. You can cast a lower rank of a spell, which typically comes with a lower mana cost, while still getting the desired effect. It's like a budget-friendly version of spellcasting, where you get the most bang for your buck (or mana, in this case).

Heartbeat No, it's not about the latest love interest of that mob you just froze with a frost nova. In our lingo, heartbeat refers to the capability of a mob to break out of crowd control. Yep, those pesky mobs can sometimes defy your frost nova or polymorph and break free. It's like they have their own rhythm, and when their heartbeat kicks in, it's time for you to adjust your strategy and prepare for the onslaught.

So there you have it, my fellow AoE mages! We've unraveled some of the mystical terms that surround our explosive art. Now, go forth, gather those mobs, embrace the leeway, aim true with your spells, master the art of downranking, and keep an eye on those unpredictable heartbeats. The chaotic realm of AoE mage awaits your spell-flinging prowess. May your explosions be grand, your control be firm, and your enemies be left in awe of your magical mayhem!


The ABCs of Stat Priority for AoE Mages!

Ah, the world of stat prioritization, where the choices we make can either lead us to glorious victory or a swift demise. As an AoE mage, your pulls are limited by the depths of your HP and mana pools. So, let's dive into the stats that will make your magical adventures all the more enjoyable. Get ready for an informative and engaging ride, sprinkled with a touch of humor!

Intellect - It's time to give your brain a big ol' pat on the back, because Intellect takes the spotlight. Why, you ask? Well, the bigger your mana pool, the larger pulls you can handle with ease. It's like having a bottomless well of mana to fuel your fiery explosions. Plus, with a healthy dose of Intellect, you'll be able to utilize handy escape tools like blink and mana shield when things get hairy. So, embrace your inner smarty-pants and watch those mana reserves soar!

Stamina - Now, it's time to toughen up, my fellow AoE mages. Stamina is your best friend when it comes to surviving the onslaught of enemy attacks. Trust me, you'll be taking hits left, right, and center, especially before you reach the grand milestone of level 40 and unlock the magical ice shield. While you'll want to dodge unnecessary blows like a nimble dancer, the more HP you have, the crazier you can make your pulls. So, beef up those hit points and let the mobs come at you!

Spell Power (SP) - Ah, the elusive spell power. Now, don't get too excited, because its impact on AoE spells is less impressive than a gnome trying to reach the top shelf. The coefficient for AoE spells is just not in our favor. However, fear not, young mage! Spell power can still lend a helping hand in improving your kill times, especially when you find yourself dealing with those pesky single target quests. So, keep a little spell power up your sleeve for those moments when the mobs just won't gather in a nice, neat group.

Spirit - Let's not forget about our spiritual side, my magical comrades. Spirit may not be the star of the show, but it does play a supporting role in decreasing the time between your pulls. With some snappy mana regeneration, you'll be ready to unleash your spells upon the world in no time. So, give a nod to the ethereal realm and let your spirit guide you to faster regen rates.

And as for everything else? Well, it's time to wave them goodbye and bid them adieu. Other stats are simply irrelevant in the grand scheme of AoE mage domination. Focus on Intellect, Stamina, a pinch of Spell Power, and a sprinkle of Spirit, and you'll be well on your way to becoming a force to be reckoned with.

So, my fellow AoE mages, let the stat prioritization dance begin! Embrace the power of Intellect, fortify your HP with Stamina, sprinkle in a dash of Spell Power when needed, and let your Spirit guide you to swift mana regeneration. With these priorities in check, you'll be unleashing magical mayhem and conquering mobs with style. Onward, my magical warriors, to a world of infinite possibilities and explosive triumphs!


Decisions, Decisions! The ABCs of Professions for AoE Mages.

Greetings, aspiring AoE mages! It's time to talk about those shiny professions that can make or break your magical adventures. But fear not, for I shall guide you through the murky waters of profession choices with an informative and engaging twist. Get ready to laugh, learn, and make some tough decisions!

Primary Professions - Where the Magic Happens:

  1. Mining + Engineering - Slow and Steady AoE Impact Ah, the explosive duo! Mining and Engineering may not give you the fastest leveling speed, but boy, do they pack a punch when it comes to AoE mayhem. Engineering takes the spotlight here with its bombs and dummies. Bombs stun your foes, buying you precious time for that next Frost Nova or epic spell combo. And let's not forget the damage boost that speeds up your kill time. Dummies are a mage's best friend when things go south and you need a quick escape.

But wait, there's a secret tip for you! Start with Skinning + Mining for some extra leather to craft those trusty dummies and sell the rest to line your pockets with gold. Then, when the time feels right or your bank space is shrinking, switch to Engineering. Just having a stash of Iron grenades and a few dummies will carry you through the wild journey to level 60. If you're feeling extra adventurous, go for Goblin Engineering for even more AoE goodness!

  1. No Professions - The Rebellious Path Wait, what? No professions as the second option? That's right, my fellow mages! Sometimes, the pure joy of obliterating packs of mobs outweighs the need for professions. In fact, most of my runs involve skipping primary professions altogether (except for the handy Skinning for some extra cash to fund that mount at level 40). Mage power is so potent that professions become a time sink that detracts from our AoE madness. But hey, it's hardcore mode, and you should pick whatever tickles your fancy. After all, having fun is what it's all about!

  2. Skinning + Tailoring - Fast Leveling, Less AoE Impact Speedy Gonzalez, here we come! Skinning + Tailoring offers a swift leveling experience and a handy boost to your bank account. But when it comes to AoE impact, well, it's not exactly fireworks and explosions. With Intellect and Stamina as your main priority stats, tailoring doesn't provide many significant upgrades for our crowd-controlling spellcasting ways. However, the extra income from skinning and the minimal time investment in gathering and leveling these professions are definite perks. Plus, being able to craft bags is always a bonus, even if the bags you can make at lower levels are not the most spacious.

  3. Herbalism + Alchemy - Moderate Speed, Mild AoE Impact Herbalism + Alchemy is like having a potpourri of professions in your magical repertoire. While it offers a moderate leveling speed, the AoE impact is not as dazzling as a well-timed Fireball. Alchemy provides some benefits in the form of potions, buffs, and healing aids. But here's the kicker: as an AoE mage, you'll find yourself drowning in mana and health potions dropped by your fallen foes. Plus, the intellect potion is as useless as a broken wand when you're already buffed up with your own intellect. So, spending hours plucking flowers may not be your cup of arcane tea.

Secondary Professions - The Cherry on Top:

  1. First Aid - The Mage's Lifeline Consider this your magical insurance policy! First Aid is a must-have for any mage worth their weight in spellbooks. With all the cloth dropping from your victims, you'll have plenty to spare for leveling this essential skill. And the best part? You can craft bandages while traveling on the tram, boat, or any other convenient moment. It's efficient, it's a lifesaver, and it allows you to heal up while your Frost Nova or Polymorph keeps those pesky mobs at bay. Don't leave home without it!

  2. Cooking - A Dash of Stamina To cook or not to cook? That is the question. Cooking offers a nice little stamina buff, granting you a bit of extra HP for those intense pulls. However, it does require some time and effort, and the benefits aren't exactly game-changing. If you're new to the AoE mage scene, it's worth picking up for that extra endurance. But if you're a seasoned veteran, feel free to skip this culinary adventure.

  3. Fishing - Reel or No Reel? Let's cut to the chase, my fellow mages: I never fish. Sure, you can gather leather for Engineering, fish for cooking, and find other items of varying usefulness. But time spent away from obliterating mobs in glorious AoE is tough to justify. Sitting by the water for hours? Not this mage! I prefer to dive headfirst into the action and let the mobs fear my wrath.

So, there you have it, dear AoE mages! Choose your primary professions wisely, considering the impact on your playstyle, leveling speed, and enjoyment. Embrace the power of First Aid and decide whether to dabble in the culinary arts. And as for fishing? Well, let's leave that to the anglers of Azeroth. Now, go forth and unleash your magical fury upon the unsuspecting masses, for you are the true masters of AoE devastation!

Talent Builds:


Unleash the Fiery Fury: Leveling as a Fireball Fanatic!

Attention, aspiring fireball enthusiasts! If you're looking for the fastest way to scorch your enemies one by one, then a fireball build is your ticket to leveling greatness. Get ready to ignite your foes, reduce resists, and increase your DPS with some fiery talent choices. But fear not, my fellow pyromaniacs, as I sprinkle this guide with a touch of humor to keep those flames burning bright.

  1. Elemental Precision and Improved Fireball - A Dynamic Duo These two talents are the bread and butter of your scorching journey. Two points in Elemental Precision and Improved Fireball work wonders by reducing resists and cranking up your damage per second. It's like adding extra spice to your fireball recipe, ensuring that your enemies feel the burn. Once you've secured these talents, it's time to add your personal touch.

  2. Flame Throwing - Lighting the Fuse from Afar Why settle for mundane fireball launches when you can do it with flair? Flame Throwing is your ticket to initiate combat with style, allowing you to hurl fireballs from a safe distance. Who needs to get up close and personal when you can rain fiery destruction upon your foes from afar? It's like playing mage darts, but with a twist of flames!

  3. Improved Fireblast - Weaving Fireballs for Maximum Impact It's time to take your fireball mastery up a notch with Improved Fireblast. This talent allows you to weave in more Fireblasts between your fireballs, amplifying your kill speed and leaving a trail of scorched enemies in your wake. Who says you can't have a little extra boom to accompany your fiery barrage? Make those mobs tremble in fear as you unleash fire and explosions upon them!

  4. Ignite and Impact - The Sizzle and Pop of Destruction Now, here's where personal preference comes into play. Ignite, while a potent talent, truly shines when you have a higher critical spell chance. So, don't fret if you find it lacking in the early stages of your fiery adventures. As for Impact, it adds a fun element to your playstyle, allowing for some crowd control through stun procs. Sure, mobs may get a few hits on you, but it's a small price to pay for the thrill of perfecting your defense skills amidst the flames.

Starting with an AoE Build - Gold-Saving Madness! In the realm of hardcore leveling where gold matters, here's a sneaky trick for you. Feel free to start talenting into your AoE build as you level, saving some precious gold along the way. Surprisingly, this build still performs admirably in single-target encounters, so you won't be sacrificing too much damage. It's like getting two spells for the price of one! Choose your talents wisely, my fiery friends, as I'll detail below.

So there you have it, fiery mages! Embrace the power of the fireball, reduce resists, and let your DPS soar. Add a dash of personal preference with Flame Throwing and Improved Fireblast, and watch your enemies cower in the face of your incendiary might. Experiment with Ignite and Impact to find your own explosive style. And remember, when it comes to leveling as a fireball fanatic, there's no time to waste—burn, scorch, and conquer with your blazing brilliance!



Level 22: Enter the Frosty Wonderland!

Congratulations, my frosty friends! At level 22, the real fun begins! Well, you can wait until 23 to get Cold Snap if you're feeling a bit chilly about your survival chances. Safety first, after all!

Elemental Precision - The Resistance Buster Picture this: you're freezing your enemies to the bone, and you want to make sure they can't escape the icy embrace of your spells. That's where Elemental Precision comes in. Two points in this talent are an absolute must, as it reduces the chance of pesky mobs resisting your frosty assaults to a maximum of 1%. No more slip-ups for you, my frosty magicians!

Frost Warding or Improved Frostbolt - The Great Armor Debate Now, let's dive into a little bit of subjectivity. It's time to choose between Frost Warding and Improved Frostbolt. Personally, I find the armor benefit of Frost Warding to be as negligible as a snowflake in a blizzard. Instead, I opt to improve my single-target kill time for those pesky elite quests and challenges. After all, why settle for average kill times when you can chill your enemies to the core with a more potent Frostbolt?

Improved Frost Nova, Permafrost, and Improved Blizzard - The Holy Trinity of AoE Ah, the core of an AoE mage's arsenal! These talents are the bread and butter of your frosty spectacle. Improved Frost Nova, Permafrost, and Improved Blizzard form the holy trinity that will have mobs shivering in fear. Improved Frost Nova ensures a longer freeze, Permafrost slows their attempts to escape, and Improved Blizzard enhances your icy barrage. Together, they create a symphony of frosty destruction, leaving mobs frostbitten and shattered in your wake.

So there you have it, frosty mages! Level 22 is your gateway to a winter wonderland of magical mayhem. Grab Elemental Precision to break through resistances, choose between Frost Warding or Improved Frostbolt to tailor your playstyle, and embrace the power of Improved Frost Nova, Permafrost, and Improved Blizzard to freeze your enemies in their tracks. It's time to unleash your inner winter storm and show the world what it means to be a true master of frosty devastation!


Level 40: Embrace the Frosty Fortresses!

Ah, my fellow frost enthusiasts, we have reached a milestone that will change the game for us: Ice Barrier at level 40! Brace yourselves, because this is an absolute game-changer. But before we dive into the icy depths of Ice Barrier, let's discuss some other talents leading up to it. Some are essential, while others cater to your unique playstyle.

Arctic Reach - Reach Out and Freeze Someone Prepare to extend your frosty reach with Arctic Reach! This talent is absolutely massive. Not only does it increase the radius of your Frost Nova and Cone of Cold, but it also extends the range of your Blizzard. With this icy upgrade, you'll be freezing enemies from a distance like a true frost maestro. Just imagine their surprise when they get caught in the chilling embrace of your spells before they can even lay a finger on you!

Frost Channeling - Mana Pool Maintenance Mana management is crucial for us frosty spellcasters. That's where Frost Channeling comes in handy. This talent performs like a well-insulated igloo, allowing you to extend your mana pool and keep those frosty spells flowing. With it, you'll be able to unleash your icy onslaught upon your enemies for longer periods without having to retreat to an icy cave for a mana break.

Ice Block - Freeze, Protect, Survive! Picture this: You're in the heat of battle, surrounded by a horde of mobs, and things are starting to get a little frosty. That's when Ice Block comes to the rescue! This talent is your priority once it becomes available. It's like having your very own personal fortress of ice, providing you with a moment of respite, setting up bigger and safer pulls, and acting as the ultimate panic button when things start to go downhill. Embrace the chill of Ice Block and watch your enemies shiver in frustration!

Ice Shards, Piercing Ice, Shatter, and Improved Cone of Cold - Frosty Customizations Now, let's talk about some talent options that allow you to tailor your playstyle. Ice Shards, Piercing Ice, Shatter, and Improved Cone of Cold offer different priorities based on your preferences. Personally, I've found that taking them in the order listed above works best for me. Piercing Ice improves my overall pull speed, while Shatter ramps up my shatter damage to the max. But hey, you might have a different approach. Perhaps you prefer using more Cone of Cold or adjusting your shatter frequency. The beauty of being a frost mage is that you can prioritize your stats differently and still make a chilling impact!

So there you have it, frosty magicians! Level 40 marks a turning point in your frosty journey with the incredible Ice Barrier. Along the way, embrace the extended reach of Arctic Reach, maintain your mana pool with Frost Channeling, and discover the icy refuge of Ice Block. Customize your playstyle with talents like Ice Shards, Piercing Ice, Shatter, and Improved Cone of Cold. It's time to fortify yourself with frosty power and freeze your enemies in awe of your frosty prowess!


Level 40 and Beyond: The Frosty Freedom of Flexibility!

Congratulations on unlocking the mighty Ice Barrier at level 40! Now, my frosty comrades, it's time to explore the talents beyond this frosty milestone. The path you choose will depend on your playstyle, so let's delve into some frosty talent options, keeping in mind that the example provided is just one frosty flavor among many.

Ice Barrier has fortified your icy fortress, granting you unparalleled protection. But what's next? Here are a few notes on talents beyond level 40 to guide your frosty journey:

  1. Arcane Concentration: A Sustaining Symphony If you fancy improving your sustain and mana management, rushing Arcane Concentration is a solid choice. Imagine the joy of unleashing blizzards without worrying about mana consumption. With this talent, you'll be treating yourself to free 1k+ mana blizzards that'll make your enemies shiver with envy. It's like having an all-you-can-cast magical buffet!

  2. Frosty Kill Speed: The Need for Speed If you're all about increasing your kill speed and want to leave your enemies frozen in awe, sticking with the frost talents is the way to go. The talents in the frost tree build upon each other like a snowball rolling down a hill. Aim for a full Shatter + Cone of Cold combo, and you'll witness the incredible burst of DPS for the mana you invest. It's like unleashing an icy hurricane upon your foes, leaving them shattered and scattered.

  3. Elemental Precision and Improved Frostbolt: Frost's Supportive Sidekicks If you have dungeons and elite quests on your frosty agenda, consider grabbing the remaining points in Elemental Precision and Improved Frostbolt earlier. These talents will ensure your spells hit their mark with precision and enhance your single-target damage. It's like sharpening the tip of your frosty spear for those high-stakes encounters.

  4. Embrace the Frost: A Frost-Dominated Path For those who crave a purely frosty experience, you can boldly venture into the frost tree, scooping up all the talents (except Frostbite, of course) before even touching the arcane talents. This frost-dominant approach is completely viable and can provide a delightful blend of AoE and single-target damage. Who needs arcane when you can freeze your enemies to oblivion, right?

Remember, my frosty friends, the talents beyond level 40 offer you the freedom to customize your playstyle. Whether you choose to sustain your mana with Arcane Concentration, focus on frost for insane kill speed, prioritize Elemental Precision and Improved Frostbolt for specific challenges, or go all-in on the frost tree, the choice is yours. Embrace the frosty power within you and let it guide your icy path to level 60!


Prepare for the Epic Pull: A Symphony of Chaos and Survival!

Before we dive into the marvelous art of pull setup, let's have a quick reminder for all you hardcore adventurers out there. In the realm of AoE mage-ing, it's crucial to become best friends with the idea of aborting pulls. Yes, my friends, running away can be your greatest ally in the perilous world of hardcore. Unlike the multilife adventurers who stubbornly cling to their doomed fate, you, as a hardcore mage, should embrace the art of the tactical retreat. When things start to go south and your enemies are closing in, don't hesitate to flee like a startled squirrel. Trust me, it's better to leash the mobs, sip some refreshing mana juice, and regroup than to face the agonizing reset back to level one. So, remember, a strategic escape can save your magical hide!

Now, onto the mesmerizing dance of pull setup. The first step in any pull is to identify your kill targets and scout out your escape route. You must know your enemies, my dear mage. Study their abilities and engage in solo combat to understand their tricks. Choose melee mobs no more than two levels higher than you, devoid of disruptive abilities like stuns and fears that can ruin your splendid AoE performance. And don't be afraid to start with lower-level or unconventional mobs, for variety is the spice of mage life.

Now that you have your grand plan in place, it's time to prepare for the massacre. Ensure your health and mana are at their fullest, equip any buffs you can scrounge, and let the magic unfold.

Ah, the art of gathering mobs! If you find yourself below level 40, fear not, for there are several methods at your disposal:

  1. Unleash the Wand: Let its magical beams draw the attention of the unsuspecting mobs. The best part? It won't hinder your mana regeneration, allowing you to keep your magical wellspring flowing.

  2. Body Pulling: Get up close and personal, my brave mage. Proximity aggro is your key to success. Just make sure not to trip over their swords or tails while you're at it.

  3. Counterspell: A handy spell indeed! It only costs a meager 100 mana, instantly silences your foes, and boasts a decent range. Use it wisely, my friend.

  4. Fireblast: When mana preservation is crucial, opt for a sizzling Fireblast. Rank 1 will do just fine, ensuring your fiery spectacle doesn't drain your mana pool entirely.

But wait! Once you reach the grand milestone of level 40, the act of gathering mobs becomes as effortless as a stroll through a frosty meadow. Apply your mighty Ice Barrier, mount up, and simply body pull until you have amassed a magnificent horde. Don't forget to let your Ice Barrier cooldown refresh, granting you the power to instantly reapply it once the mobs are under your icy command.

Now, my fellow mages, brace yourselves for the glorious standard nova+blizzard rotation, the pièce de résistance of our AoE repertoire. This splendid dance of frost and chaos will be at your disposal once you hit the magical level of 22 and unlock the necessary talents. But heed my words, young mages: mana conservation is of utmost importance in the beginning. You have limited reserves, and thus you must focus on controlling and damaging the mobs without squandering your magical essence (trust me, abusing mana shield will lead to an untimely demise).

Behold, the steps of this mystical dance:

  1. Gather the mobs like a master conductor, bringing them close together in harmonious proximity.

  2. Unleash the majestic Frost Nova upon the tightly packed foes, freezing them in awe. Keep them as close as possible, for we want to maximize the impact.

  3. Now, take a step back, my nimble magician, and cast Blizzard from the safety of maximum range. Watch the icy tempest engulf your foes with a mesmerizing beauty.

  4. Repeat the Frost Nova as soon as it's off cooldown, halting the advance of any audacious mob that dares to come too close.

  5. Let the Blizzard or other potent AoE spells rain down upon your trapped enemies, obliterating them like a snowstorm of destruction.

And there you have it, my aspiring mages, a glimpse into the captivating world of AoE pulls. Now, take this knowledge, go forth, and unleash your frosty fury upon the unsuspecting denizens of this realm. May your spells be true, your escapes be daring, and your mana reserves ever plentiful. Onwards, brave mages, to adventure and beyond!

Note: Here's an example from my last playthrough—a level 23 blizzard AoE pull that shall inspire and enlighten you on your own frosty journey.

Shatter: Where Frosty Dreams Meet Dazzling Destruction!

Ah, the power of Shatter! Let's give this frosty phenomenon its moment in the spotlight. Once you've delved deeper into the talent tree and fortified your stamina and intellect, the time will come to unleash Shatter's true potential. Picture this: Frost Nova ensnares your foes, setting the stage for a grand spectacle. You follow up with a fiery Flamestrike, engulfing your trapped enemies in a scorching inferno. And to top it all off, unleash the icy embrace of Cone of Cold, delivering a devastating blow that will leave your foes shattered—both literally and figuratively. This magnificent combination not only yields colossal damage but does so with remarkable efficiency, making it the swiftest way to put an end to any pull.

But wait, there's more! Behold, the enchanting Cone of Cold rotation—an underrated gem in the realm of AoE. While it may not be the talk of the town these days, it remains a viable and surprisingly mana-efficient option, albeit a tad slower. Here's how it goes: Harness the chilling power of Cone of Cold to slow your enemies and draw them into a dance of destruction. Encircle them like a waltzing mage, hitting them with Cone of Cold whenever it's off cooldown. Should you miss a poor soul or two with the cone, fear not! Frost Nova is at your disposal to deliver that satisfying shatter damage or to rectify any missed opportunities. The real beauty of this method lies in its mana efficiency. As you perfect your technique, your mana regeneration (mp5) will begin to tick between Cone of Cold casts, allowing you to maintain a steady flow of icy devastation.

Even if Cone of Cold isn't your go-to method for obliterating mobs, mastering the art of Cone of Cold kiting is a skill that all mages should acquire. Think of it as an invaluable tool in your magical arsenal, ready to be deployed when faced with a calamitous AoE pull, or when lending a helping hand to your comrades in a dungeon. You never know when your Cone of Cold prowess might save the day and earn you the adoration of your party members.

So, my fellow mages, embrace the frosty power of Shatter, indulge in the elegant dance of Cone of Cold, and let your enemies be swept away in a blizzard of destruction. May your AoE adventures be filled with laughter, frozen foes, and a touch of magical mayhem!

When the Blizzard Hits the Fan: Handling Mishaps like a Pro!

Ah, the life of an AoE mage—it may look like a majestic symphony of destruction when everything goes right, but let's be real, most of the time it feels more like a chaotic magic show that requires some serious work to pull off. Fear not, my fellow mage-in-training, for I shall impart upon you some valuable wisdom on the tools at your disposal to salvage a dire situation or grant you the precious seconds needed for a hasty retreat when things take a turn for the worse.

Polymorph - Your Mischievous Friend: When a stubborn mob breaks free from your frosty grasp or brazenly resists your frost nova, fear not! Unleash the power of Polymorph upon them. You have the choice to either wrangle the rebellious miscreant back into the AoE fray or keep them polymorphed until the grand finale. The choice is yours, oh master of the arcane arts!

Cold Snap - The Frosty Reset Button: Behold, the wondrous Cold Snap—a game-changer for resetting your frosty arsenal. In the early stages, it grants you the precious opportunity to unleash another frost nova upon your unsuspecting foes. As you ascend to greater heights of power, it becomes a potent tool for resetting not only your frost nova but also your trusty ice block and ice barrier. A true savior in times of peril!

Downranking: The Art of Magical Efficiency: Ah, downranking—a skill that separates the mages who merely dabble in their craft from the true masters of efficiency. You must heed this wisdom and ensure that your keybindings or macros contain the following downranked spells:

Frost Nova - Why bother with anything beyond rank 1 while leveling? You want maximum impact for minimal mana cost, my friend. Keep it frosty and efficient. Blizzard - Ah, rank 1 Blizzard, the unsung hero of the mage's repertoire. I find myself reaching for this trusty spell more often than not. It helps regroup scattered mobs, serves as a temporary measure while awaiting the frost nova's glorious cooldown, and so much more. Trust me, you'll want this in your icy arsenal. Cone of Cold - While I usually prefer to go all-out with maximum rank for that delightful shatter effect, rank 1 has its own charm. It provides the full slowing effect at a fraction of the mana cost, which can prove invaluable in maintaining a safe distance from mobs while your frost nova takes a breather. Frostbolt - Consider it a general rule of thumb to always keep rank 1 frostbolt at your fingertips. This practice holds true, especially if you've obtained the improved frostbolt talent. With this little gem, you'll have a one-second cast time that severely hampers your target's mobility.

Remember, dear mage, accidents happen, but with a touch of downranking finesse and a well-timed Polymorph, you can turn a potential disaster into a mere bump in the magical road. Embrace the chaos, adapt to the unexpected, and may your spells always hit their mark, even when the Blizzard hits the fan!

Final Thoughts And Conclusions Of Our Frost Mage AoE Guide

Well, thank you for reaching the end of our guide. To sum it up - there are many things you will need to learn but if you manage to push through you will be a viable part of your guild, raid, or PVP team. You can visit our boosting page to find useful services or our guide page for other tips for your leveling journey.

Also, a quick tip, be a nice guy. Good luck in the fields of battle!

Author teodoran
Published 2023-06-01