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WoW Classic Hardcore Warrior Guide


Ah, the Warrior class in World of Warcraft Classic's Hardcore challenge. Brace yourself, my friend, because leveling a Warrior is like embarking on an epic quest filled with trials and tribulations. It's no walk in the park, that's for sure. Warriors may not have the flashy damage, crowd control, or fancy escape tools that other classes flaunt, especially in the early levels. It's like being the underdog in a realm full of overpowered wizards and sneaky rogues.

But let me tell you, despite all the hurdles, Warriors still reign supreme in the Hardcore scene. Why, you ask? Well, for one, they're ridiculously fun to play. Upgrading your gear and wielding those shiny weapons? It's pure satisfaction. Plus, when it comes to dungeon runs, Warriors are the go-to tanks. They can take a beating like no other, protecting their comrades from the fiery breath of dragons and the vicious claws of monsters.

At level 60, Warriors are the cream of the crop, the crème de la crème. Everyone wants them in their group because they bring the muscle and the resilience that no one else can match. And let's not forget the thrill of playing the hardest class in the game. It's like taking on a dragon with a wooden spoon—challenging, but oh-so-rewarding.

Oh, and here's a little secret: Warriors are like fine wine; they get better with age. Every level you conquer, every piece of gear you acquire, you become a force to be reckoned with. So buckle up, my fellow Warrior, and embrace the arduous journey. The path may be tough, but the glory that awaits you at level 60 is worth every swing of your mighty weapon. Charge forth and conquer, my friend!

Best Races:

Let's talk about the Alliance first, shall we? Humans and Gnomes, the stalwart warriors of the Alliance!

Human warriors are like the Swiss Army knives of the warrior world. They may not have flashy abilities while leveling, but once they reach max level, their Sword Specialization and Mace Specialization come into play, turning them into absolute powerhouses. If you have your sights set on end-game content, humans are the cream of the crop for warriors. They know their way around a sword or a mace like nobody's business.

Now, Gnome warriors might be small in stature, but they make up for it with their cunning tricks. With their Escape Artist ability and Engineering Specialization, they're masters of slipping away from danger. Let's face it, warriors don't have the luxury of invisibility or teleportation like some other classes. That's where the Gnomes shine. They're the ultimate escape artists! Perfect for surviving the treacherous journey to level 60. However, when it comes to end-game content, humans steal the spotlight.

Now, let's switch gears and head over to the Horde. Brace yourselves, because here come the mighty Orcs, Trolls, and Taurens!

Orc warriors are all about brute force and durability. With Axe Specialization, Blood Fury, and Hardiness in their arsenal, Orcs bring the pain while leveling and continue to dominate at level 60. You want top-notch DPS for your Horde team? Look no further than an Orc warrior. They'll chop through enemies like a hot knife through butter, especially when wielding an axe. Watch out, world!

Troll warriors may seem a bit wild, but don't underestimate them. With Berserking, Regeneration, and Beast Slaying, they have some nifty tricks up their sleeves. These abilities make leveling a breeze, providing passive benefits and a powerful offensive cooldown. Trolls are the masters of leveling, and when it comes to tanking, they excel at it too. They're tough, relentless, and have a flair for taking down beasts. What more could you ask for?

Last but certainly not least, we have the towering Tauren warriors. These majestic beings bring two key abilities to the battlefield: War Stomp and Endurance. War Stomp is like a mini earthquake, giving Taurens the advantage in survival. It's perfect for those "oh no, I need a moment!" situations. And Endurance? Well, it's a boost of stamina that scales with gear, making Taurens true powerhouses. They're not only exceptional levelers, but they also make phenomenal dungeon tanks and formidable tanks at max level.

So there you have it, my friends. Whether you fight for the Alliance or the Horde, each race brings its own unique flair to the warrior class. From the might of the humans to the escapades of the gnomes, and the strength of the orcs, trolls, and Taurens, the choice is yours. Pick your race wisely and charge into battle with the heart of a warrior!

Talent Builds:


Leveling up your warrior in World of Warcraft Classic? Well, grab your trusty two-handed weapon and get ready for some smashing fun! When it comes to leveling, Arms specialization is the way to go. It's like the perfect combination of brute force and style. And hey, it's the best spec until you get your hands on that epic Thrash Blade. So, let's dive into the spec that will make your journey to level 60 a breeze:

1-29 LEVEL

Grab your pen and paper (or your digital notepad, because it's 2023), and get ready to optimize your leveling journey. We're going to make you a killing machine, or should I say, a DPS machine! Let's break it down:

Leveling Talents Made Easy

1. Cruelty (5/5) - Want to hit hard? Of course, you do! Cruelty gives you a massive boost to your DPS. Say hello to those big crits!

2. Deflection (5/5) - Defense is the best offense, they say. Deflection increases your parry chance, making you a slippery target. Who needs a dodge roll when you can parry like a pro?

3. Tactical Mastery (5/5) and Anger Management (1/1) - Stance dancing, rage generation, and overall badassery. Tactical Mastery allows you to switch stances with ease, and Anger Management helps you keep that rage flowing. You'll be a rage-filled tornado on the battlefield!

4. Improved Overpower (2/2) - Crits for days! This talent gives a whopping +50% crit chance to your Overpower ability. It's like winning the crit lottery and getting a jackpot every time.

5. Improved Charge (2/2) - Need a bit of a speed boost? Improved Charge has got your back. Zoom into battle like a charging rhino. No one can escape your wrath!

Now, here's the deal. Some players go gaga over talents like Improved Rend, Deep Wounds, and Impale. But let me tell you, while leveling, they're about as exciting as a wet noodle. Improved Rend? Meh. Deep Wounds? It might break your Intimidating Shout fear effect. Impale? Sure, it boosts yellow hits, but with low crit chance while leveling, it's not worth the hype. Stick to the talents I mentioned, and you'll be slicing through enemies like a hot knife through butter.

Remember, the order isn't super important, so feel free to mix things up. Now go forth, brave warrior, and conquer Azeroth with your newfound talents!

30-50 LEVEL

Level 30, my fellow warrior, it's time to make a game-changing decision. You can respec fully into arms and unlock some powerful abilities that will make you the envy of your comrades. Brace yourself for the ultimate warrior transformation!

Arms Respec: Sweeping Strikes and Mortal Strike

Here's the deal. At level 30, you have the opportunity to respec your talents fully into arms. Why arms, you ask? Well, my friend, arms will grant you the glorious Sweeping Strikes ability, which allows you to hit two enemies at once. Talk about efficient cleaving! It's like going to a buffet and getting two helpings of roast boar for the price of one.

But wait, there's more! At level 40, you'll unlock Mortal Strike. Oh boy, Mortal Strike is a game-changer. It's like a love letter to your enemies, written with a two-handed weapon. This ability inflicts a devastating blow that reduces healing received by the target. Goodbye, enemy healers! Say hello to the sweet taste of victory.

Now, here's the talent distribution strategy to make the most of this respec adventure. After getting Mortal Strike, invest the next 5 talent points back into Cruelty. You want to hit hard and crit like there's no tomorrow. Those crits will leave your enemies scratching their heads and wondering why they ever crossed paths with you.

But hey, if you're feeling a bit indecisive or just want to savor the moment, you can wait until level 40 to respec instead of level 30. It means you'll get Sweeping Strikes a little later, at level 35, but you'll keep Cruelty in the meantime. Think of it as a delayed gratification, like waiting for your favorite snack to come out of the oven.

Now, let's talk about those filler talents. Improved Hamstring and Improved Thunder Clap might sound fancy, but they're not the stars of the show in this build. Consider them as the side dishes in a warrior feast. You have the freedom to spend those talent points elsewhere, where they'll have a more significant impact on your playstyle. Customize your build, my warrior friend, and make it your own!

Lastly, don't forget to match your specialization with your weapon of choice. Axes, swords, maces, you name it. Go with the flow and embrace the specialization that complements your trusty weapon. Whirlwind Axe and Bonebiter, anyone? It's all about finding the perfect weapon that resonates with your warrior spirit.

So, my fellow warriors, embrace the power of arms, unleash Sweeping Strikes, and strike fear into the hearts of your enemies with Mortal Strike. May your crits be mighty, and your battles be victorious. Onward to glory!

Now go forth, my warrior friend, and show the world what you're made of!

50-59 LEVEL

Ah, the ever-evolving journey of a warrior! Congratulations on conquering Maraudon and snagging the illustrious Thrash Blade. Now, my friend, a whole new world of possibilities awaits you. Let's delve into the realm of fury and explore why it's a tempting path to walk.

Fury vs. Arms: The Thrills of Fury

You've reached a critical juncture in your warrior career. With Thrash Blade in your hands, fury spec becomes a tantalizing option. Sure, many players still cling to the comforts of arms, but let me tell you, my friend, fury is where the true excitement lies. It's like trading your plain steed for a raging war bear!

In the realm of fury, you'll be swinging your weapon with unbridled ferocity. And here's a rock-solid fury spec that will make you a force to be reckoned with in the 50-59 level range. Brace yourself, it's gonna be a wild ride!

First things first, you want to work your way up to Bloodthirst. This ability is the heartbeat of fury warriors. It's like a refreshing sip of an ice-cold beverage after a long and grueling battle. Bloodthirst not only deals hefty damage but also has the sweet, sweet ability to restore some of your precious health. It's like getting a combat-themed massage from a healing shaman.

But wait, there's more! After savoring the delights of Bloodthirst, you'll take a detour back into the arms specialization. Why, you ask? Because we're going for Anger Management, my friend. This talent allows you to manage your rage more efficiently and keeps those delicious abilities flowing. It's like having your own personal rage accountant. No more financial woes in the realm of fury!

Now, once you've secured Anger Management, it's time to dive back into fury for those last few filler points. Improved Execute is a prime choice. It's like putting turbo boosters on your already formidable Execute ability. You'll be slicing through enemies like a hot knife through butter. And who doesn't love butter, right?

Remember, my warrior friend, this is just one example of a fury spec that will set your enemies ablaze. Feel free to add your own personal flair, adjust the talents to suit your playstyle, and let your warrior spirit guide you. You're the master of your own destiny on the battlefield!

So, whether you decide to stick with arms or embrace the thrill of fury, keep swinging that weapon with all your might. Embrace the power of Bloodthirst, revel in the rage management of Anger Management, and deliver devastating Executes with Improved Execute. The choice is yours, warrior. Carve your path to glory, and let the echoes of your battle cries resound throughout the realms!

Onward, brave warrior, to a world of fury and adventure!

Now, go forth, my mighty warrior friend, and unleash your inner fury upon the unsuspecting foes that dare cross your path!


Ah, the pinnacle of warriorhood has been reached—level 60, where legends are forged and epic battles unfold! Now, my friend, it's time to explore the exciting realm of level 60 warrior specs. Get ready to choose your path wisely!

Level 60 Warrior Specs: Choosing Your Destiny

Congratulations, mighty warrior! You've ascended to the coveted level 60 realm, where the real fun begins. At this point, you have three enticing main specs to consider: Fury, Prot, and the intriguing hybrid known as Fury Prot. Let's delve into these options and find your true calling.

1. Fury: Unleash Your Inner Berserker

If you're yearning for the sheer thrill of unrelenting fury, then the Fury spec is the way to go. Grab your weapons and prepare to become a whirlwind of destruction! With dual-wielded weapons and a ferocious appetite for mayhem, you'll rain down blows upon your foes like a hurricane of steel. Just be sure to have a bucket nearby to collect the tears of your defeated enemies.

2. Prot: Stand Strong, Mighty Guardian


Are you the type of warrior who thrives on being the stalwart guardian of your comrades? The Prot spec is your calling, my shield-bearing friend. With your trusty shield and unwavering determination, you'll become the impenetrable fortress that your party or raid needs. Tank like a boss, soak up the enemy's fury, and lead your allies to victory. Remember, it's not just about taking hits—it's about looking good while doing it. Fashionable armor sets are a must!

3. Fury Prot: The Best of Both Worlds


Now, for the daring souls who crave a taste of both fury and protection, the Fury Prot hybrid spec awaits. It's like having the best of both worlds, with the damage-dealing prowess of Fury and the resilience of Prot. Embrace the chaos of battle while still maintaining the ability to protect and taunt your foes. Who says you can't have your cake and eat it too? Well, in this case, you can have your cake, eat it, and smash it into your enemies' faces!

Arms spec, with its incredible Sweeping Strikes ability, also holds some allure. It can unleash devastating AoE damage and even dabble in tanking dungeons, provided you wield a powerful two-hander. However, it's important to note that Mortal Strike, while powerful in its own right, occupies a precious debuff slot and should be reserved for your non-raid adventures. We wouldn't want to upset the raiding gods, now would we?

Remember, dear warrior, these spec choices are not set in stone. Feel free to experiment, adapt, and find the playstyle that suits you best. Whether you channel your inner berserker with Fury, stand tall as the indomitable tank with Prot, or embrace the exhilarating blend of Fury Prot, the choice is yours to make.

So, gear up, sharpen your blades, and prepare to leave your mark on the battlefield. Level 60 is where legends are born, where warriors become heroes. It's time to show the world what you're made of, one devastating blow at a time!

Charge forth, my warrior comrade, and let the echoes of your triumphs resonate throughout the realm!

May crits be plentiful and loot be legendary!

Now, go forth and conquer, mighty warrior! Embrace your chosen spec and carve your name into the annals of glory. Remember, it's not just about the numbers on your gear or the talents you choose—it's about the spirit of adventure.

Skills and Talents

Ah, the warrior's arsenal of abilities! Let's dive into these essential tools of destruction and survival, with a dash of humor and some pro tips to keep you on top of your game.

Mastering Warrior Abilities: Unleash the Mayhem!

1. Battle Shout: Amp Up the Volume!

Picture this: You're in the midst of battle, swinging your weapon with the finesse of a dancing orc. Now, Battle Shout enters the stage! This mighty ability pumps up your DPS and should always be active during fights. Sure, the two-minute duration is annoyingly short, but fear not! Cast Battle Shout as your rage dwindles at the end of a fight, refreshing its duration and making sure that sweet rage you saved doesn't go to waste. It's like a battle anthem that keeps the energy flowing, and your enemies trembling.

2. Sunder Armor: Strip 'Em Down!

Don't let its unassuming nature fool you—Sunder Armor is a sneaky little devil that packs a punch. By removing armor from your target, it sets the stage for some serious damage mayhem. Be tactical and cast Sunder Armor as your opening move in almost every fight. The earlier you apply the debuff, the longer you benefit from its armor-shredding effects. Trust me, by the end of the fight, your enemies will be left with more holes than a piece of cheese in a mouse convention.

3. Hamstring: Run, Warrior, Run!

Imagine this scenario: You find yourself in a hairy situation, surrounded by foes and desperately needing to escape. Enter Hamstring, your trusty escape tool. Cast Hamstring on your pursuer, and voila! They'll be left limping in your dust as you make a daring retreat. Just remember, once you've used Hamstring to secure your getaway, lay off the attacks or the mob won't let you off the hook. And hey, here's a cheeky tip: Use Hamstring when you're loaded with rage to tempt fate and fish for those satisfying Overpower procs or Windfury Totem procs if you're rocking out with a Shaman by your side.

4. Thunder Clap: Shock and Awe!

Thunder Clap, my thunderous friend, is your ultimate defense mechanism. It not only increases the time between your enemies' melee attacks, reducing the damage you take, but also dishes out a delightful dollop of AoE damage. It's like a warrior's version of fireworks—flashy, loud, and perfect for crowd control. Thunder Clap should be your go-to ability in the early levels when you're not swimming in rage options, and in higher-level fights where you anticipate taking a serious pounding. Give 'em a clap they won't forget!

Remember, brave warrior, to embrace the versatility of your abilities and adapt them to different situations. The key to mastering these skills lies in practice, timing, and a touch of warrior wisdom. So, swing that weapon, cast those abilities, and conquer the battlefield like the glorious warrior you are!

May your Battle Shout be heard across realms, your Sunder Armor strike fear into the hearts of enemies, your Hamstring be a getaway car for your survival, and your Thunder Clap bring the thunder and keep you standing tall.

Charge onward, warrior, and make the realms tremble with your might!

Unleashing Warrior Abilities: A Symphony of Power

5. Demoralizing Shout: Power Down, Enemies!

Gather 'round, warriors! Demoralizing Shout is your ultimate defense mechanism. It's like giving your enemies a stern lecture on proper manners while simultaneously making them weaker. By decreasing their attack power, you reduce the damage you take. It's a win-win situation! Use Demoralizing Shout in every fight, especially in the early levels when you're still figuring out what to do with all that rage. And when facing formidable foes who pack a punch, make sure to show them the true meaning of demoralization.

6. Overpower: Dodges, Meet Your Nemesis!

Ladies and gentlemen, warriors of valor, behold the power of Overpower! This sneaky ability can only be unleashed when your enemy dodges one of your attacks, triggering your warrior senses. But wait, there's more! With the Improved Overpower talent from the Arms tree, you'll have a colossal chance to deliver a devastating critical strike. Keep an eye out for that elusive "Dodge" message—it's your invitation to unleash a world of hurt. Just remember, Overpower shares a cooldown with Revenge, so use them wisely and watch those enemies crumble.

7. Sweeping Strikes: The Art of Double Trouble

Prepare for double the fun, warriors! Sweeping Strikes, a delightful Arms talent, turns your next 5 attacks into a two-for-one deal. Imagine facing two foes, and with a single Mortal Strike on one of them, you also strike the other! It's like slicing through butter with a hot knife—effortless and satisfying. And if you unleash Whirlwind, it hits both targets like a whirlwind of chaos, granting you a total of four hits with one button press. It's the ultimate warrior multitasking move! So embrace the power of Sweeping Strikes, my friends, and take on the world with style and flair.

8. Mortal Strike / Bloodthirst: Weapons of Mass Destruction

Ah, Mortal Strike and Bloodthirst—the main attractions from the Arms and Fury trees, respectively. Now, here's a peculiar warrior fact: you don't get your main DPS ability until level 40. But fear not, for when you finally obtain it, it's a game-changer! Mortal Strike, my weapon-wielding warriors, relies on the damage of your weapon, while Bloodthirst dances to the beat of attack power alone. So, swing that mighty weapon or channel your inner ferocity—either way, make these abilities dance to your rhythm. Whenever rage permits, unleash Mortal Strike or Bloodthirst with gusto and watch your enemies cower in fear.

9. Whirlwind: A Whirlwind of Destruction

Warriors, gather 'round for the grand finale—the mighty Whirlwind! This awe-inspiring AoE ability is your ticket to wreaking havoc upon multiple targets. When facing more than one foe, Whirlwind becomes your battle cry. And here's a little secret: it can also be used in single-target fights before you unlock Mortal Strike or Bloodthirst. If rage allows, keep using Whirlwind even after acquiring those devastating abilities. And guess what? It pairs harmoniously with Sweeping Strikes, creating a symphony of carnage that'll leave your enemies in awe.

So, my valiant warriors, with Demoralizing Shout lowering enemy morale, Overpower striking when they least expect it, Sweeping Strikes doubling the trouble, Mortal Strike and Bloodthirst demolishing all in their path, and Whirlwind unleashing chaos upon multiple foes—your path to victory is paved with steel, strategy, and a dash of warrior bravado.

Now go forth, swing those weapons like there's no tomorrow, and let the realms tremble before your might! Remember, a warrior's journey is as much about strength as it is about the thrill of the fight.

May your enemies shudder, your critical strikes be plentiful, and your battles be filled with the sound of victory!

Charge onward, mighty warriors, and conquer with all your might!

Mastering the Art of Control: Warriors' Toolbox

10. Intimidating Shout: When Fear Strikes, Enemies Tremble!

Listen up, brave warriors! Intimidating Shout is your one and only true escape ability. It unleashes an AoE fear that leaves your enemies quaking in their boots. But here's the catch: be wary of those pesky ticking bleeds like Rend or Deep Wounds—they have a knack for breaking the fear. So, if you plan on relying on Intimidating Shout as your getaway ticket, avoid using these abilities. When unleashed upon a single enemy, they'll cower in fear, frozen in place. But when faced with multiple foes, the additional enemies will flee in random directions. Just be cautious of those fleeing mobs drawing the attention of their comrades. Remember, use Intimidating Shout wisely as your grand escape plan, allowing you to make a dramatic exit when the going gets tough!

11. Piercing Howl: Unleash the Howl of Slow-motion

Ah, the sweet sound of Piercing Howl! This AoE slow from the Fury tree is your secret weapon when you need to make a swift getaway. It may only last a mere 6 seconds, but trust me, in the heat of battle, those seconds can feel like an eternity. Picture this: you activate Piercing Howl, and suddenly, time itself slows down as you effortlessly outrun your adversaries. Most warriors won't acquire this ability until they obtain the mighty Thrash Blade, found within the depths of their adventures. So, keep your eyes peeled for that precious blade, and unleash the howl of slow-motion when you need to slip away from danger.

12. Pummel: Silencing the Opposition

Warriors, it's time to talk about interrupting your enemies' grand plans. Enter Pummel, your main interrupt ability at higher levels. Unlike Shield Bash, which requires a shield, Pummel can be unleashed without the need for that extra piece of metal. However, there's a catch—this mighty strike requires you to be in Berserker Stance. That's where Tactical Mastery comes into play, allowing you to effortlessly dance between stances and make Pummel a truly effective tool in your arsenal. So, embrace the power of interruption, my warrior comrades, and silence your foes with a swift and well-timed Pummel!

Remember, warriors, control is the key to victory. With Intimidating Shout striking fear into the hearts of your enemies, Piercing Howl slowing down the pursuit, and Pummel silencing their grand schemes, you hold the power to turn the tides of battle in your favor. So, go forth, my fearless warriors, and master the art of control like the true champions you are!


Ah, the dance of stances! Warriors, behold the magnificent cooldowns that come with each stance. Picture this: you're in the heat of battle, adrenaline pumping through your veins, and then BAM! It's cooldown time, my friends. But fear not, for these cooldowns are no ordinary ones—they match the very essence of each stance. Brace yourselves for the cooldown extravaganza with a 30-minute shared cooldown. Let's dive in!

The Dance of Cooldowns: Stances and Their Powers

1. Retaliation: Battle Stance Unleashed!

In the realm of Battle Stance, we find Retaliation, the ultimate trump card when facing packs of enemies. This ability is your secret weapon against overwhelming odds, transforming certain death into a glorious victory. Engage those large packs with confidence as Retaliation strikes fear into the hearts of your foes. But hey, heads up! Mobs that dare to attack you from behind won't feel the wrath of Retaliation. So, warriors, position yourselves wisely and let the Retaliation reign supreme!

2. Shield Wall: Defensive Stance's Mighty Fortress

Ah, Defensive Stance, the guardian's sanctuary. Within this sturdy stance, you'll discover the power of Shield Wall, a mighty defensive cooldown that can be a true lifesaver. When danger looms large and survival hangs by a thread, Shield Wall steps in to shield you from harm's reach. But here's the catch: you'll need a trusty shield equipped to activate this fortress of defense. So, warriors, embrace the power of Shield Wall and let it be your bulwark against the storm!

3. Recklessness: Berserker Stance Unleashed...with Caution!

Welcome to the realm of Berserker Stance, where fury and recklessness go hand in hand. Here, we encounter Recklessness, a powerful offensive cooldown that can turn the tides of battle. But beware, my daring warriors, for this ability comes with a cost—increased damage taken. It's like a double-edged sword, you see. Recklessness shines brightest when facing a single, mighty foe that requires a burst of raw power. However, be mindful of the risks involved in embracing recklessness. Oh, and here's a fun fact: the only time I've ever used Recklessness was during the transition between Phase 1 and Phase 2 of Onyxia's terrifying encounter. It's a moment of respite where she poses no threat and you can't possibly pull her wrath upon yourself. Clever, huh?

So, my fellow warriors, remember the dance of stances and the magnificent cooldowns they bring. With Retaliation crushing packs of enemies, Shield Wall fortifying your defense, and Recklessness tempting you with its risky power, you hold the keys to greatness. But always proceed with caution, for even the mightiest cooldowns have their quirks. Now, my valiant warriors, go forth and unleash the power of your stances!


Ah, the art of professions for warriors! Here's the lowdown on the top-tier combinations that will make you a force to be reckoned with. We've got two contenders in the ring: Herbalism / Alchemy and Mining / Engineering. But wait, there's a wildcard option too—Mining / Blacksmithing. Let's dive in and see what suits your warrior spirit best.

Top-Tier Profession Combinations: Forge Your Path to Greatness

1. Herbalism / Alchemy: Nature's Secrets and Potions Galore

Ah, the sweet scent of herbs and the bubbling cauldrons of alchemical wonders! With Herbalism / Alchemy, you'll tap into the mystical world of nature and concoct potent potions that will give you the edge in battle. As an alchemist, you'll create elixirs and potions that boost your strength, agility, health, and armor. Need a health potion? You've got it covered. Want to breathe underwater with style? Elixers of Waterbreathing are your new best friends. And let's not forget the nifty Frost Oil, a must-have for completing the questline for the coveted Nifty Stopwatch—an escape tool that can save your hide. With Herbalism / Alchemy, you'll enjoy the strongest passive benefits, giving you a well-rounded arsenal of potions to enhance your warrior prowess.

2. Mining / Engineering: Unleash Your Inner Tinkerer

Prepare for a world of metallic wonders and tinkering madness! Mining / Engineering is the combination that lets you embrace your inner engineer and wield the power of technological marvels. With mining, you'll delve deep into the earth, extracting precious resources to fuel your engineering endeavors. As an engineer, you'll craft gadgets, explosives, and other gizmos that will make you the envy of your fellow warriors. Need a handy tool for traversing the landscape? Engineering has your back. Fancy blowing things up with a touch of finesse? Grab those explosives and let the sparks fly. Mining / Engineering is the path for warriors who love to tinker, experiment, and blow stuff up in style!

3. Mining / Blacksmithing: Forging Your Own Destiny...with Extra Sweat

Are you a warrior who dreams of being a self-made blacksmith, forging your own weapons and armor? Well, my friend, Mining / Blacksmithing is the path for you. But be warned, this combination requires some serious elbow grease. With mining, you'll be toiling away in the depths of the earth, gathering the raw materials needed for your mighty creations. As a blacksmith, you'll shape those materials into formidable weapons and sturdy armor. It's a labor of love that demands time and dedication, but the satisfaction of wielding a weapon you forged with your own hands is unparalleled. So, if you're up for the challenge and willing to break a sweat, Mining / Blacksmithing awaits your skilled touch.

And here's a neat trick for those early silver woes: If you're not quite ready to commit to a crafting profession, embrace the ways of the skinning knife while leveling your other profession. Vendoring all that leather will earn you some shiny silver coins. Plus, if you have engineering ambitions, save some of that leather for crafting your trusty goggles. A warrior's gotta have style, after all!

So, my warrior friend, choose your path wisely. Whether you're concocting alchemical wonders, tinkering with gadgets and explosives, or forging your own destiny in the fiery heart of a blacksmith's forge, the profession combination you select will shape your journey. Embrace the call of the professions, and let your warrior spirit shine!

4. Mining / Engineering: Goggles, Grenades, and a Dash of Fun!


So, you fancy yourself a miner with a knack for tinkering? Welcome to the wonderful world of Mining / Engineering! This combination will have you mining shiny minerals and crafting all sorts of nifty gadgets that will make your warrior heart skip a beat. Let's dive into the marvels and mayhem that await you.

Engineering shines in three main areas: goggles, grenades, and target dummies. First up, we've got the goggles, those stylish headpieces that not only make you look like a true warrior fashion icon but also provide a nice boost to your stamina. With these bad boys, you'll be the envy of all the other adventurers. Next on the list are grenades—your explosive companions that bring both AoE damage and stunning effects to the party. Need a breather from the relentless enemy assaults? Toss a grenade and watch them go "boom" while you strategize your next move. Oh, and did I mention that grenades are excellent for generating threat on multiple mobs when tanking dungeons? It's like a fiery wake-up call for those unruly foes. Last but not least, we have target dummies. These little fellas serve as your trusty panic buttons, giving you the perfect escape plan when things get hairy. Just drop one, distract your enemies, and make your daring getaway. It's like having your own personal entourage of distraction experts.

But wait, there's more! Engineering has a whole arsenal of fun trinkets waiting for you as you progress through the game. Imagine deploying mechanical dragons, blasting enemies with explosive sheep, or even riding your very own helicopter. It's a warrior's dream come true! And let's not forget, when it comes to end-game raiding, engineering reigns supreme. Those gadgets and gizmos will give you the edge you need to conquer the toughest challenges and leave your foes in awe.

Now, if you're set on making those marvelous goggles, you'll need some Light Leather and Medium Leather. Here's a tip: Go with Mining / Skinning until you can skin level 16 mobs, as that's the sweet spot for medium leather. Keep enough light and medium leather for both pairs of goggles, and when you're ready to craft them, bid farewell to Skinning and embrace the glorious world of Engineering. Alternatively, if you're feeling adventurous, you can find leather in chests or even fish up Floating Wreckages. Look for those mysterious circles in the water with floating debris—it's like treasure hunting with a fishing rod! Coastal areas in zones like Eastern Plaguelands, Swamp of Sorrows, Tanaris, Westfall, and the docks of Ratchet and Menethil Harbor are prime spots for these aquatic goodies.

5. Now, let's shift our gears to Mining / Blacksmithing: Crafting Your Destiny... with Extra Ore!


If you've got a burning desire to be a self-made blacksmith, forging your own weapons and armor, Mining / Blacksmithing is the path for you. It's the perfect choice for those brave warriors tackling the Self Made challenge or those who have a paladin companion with a penchant for enchanting. With Blacksmithing, you'll become a master of the anvil, shaping raw materials into powerful weapons and sturdy armor that will withstand the fiercest battles.

One fantastic advantage of Blacksmithing is the ability to craft enchanting rods. Normally, enchanting is a no-go in hardcore mode because those pesky rods require Blacksmithing to make. But fear not! With Blacksmithing at your side, you can create rods for both you and your paladin companion, opening the doors to magical enchantments that will enhance your gear. It's like having a personal enchanter on speed dial!

However, a word of caution: Blacksmithing is not for the faint-hearted. It's a material-intensive profession that will have you toiling away in the mines for hours on end. Get ready to become best friends with ore, because you'll be farming it like there's no tomorrow. But hey, the sweat and effort will be worth it when you hold that magnificent weapon you forged with your own two hands.

So, my aspiring miners and craftsmen, choose your path wisely. Whether you're engineering your way to explosive glory or hammering out your destiny with blacksmithing, the professions you select will shape your warrior's journey. Embrace the thrill of mining, the wonders of engineering, or the fiery forge of blacksmithing. The choice is yours, and the adventure awaits!

Class Quests

Warrior Class Quests: Unleash Your Inner Hero!

As a warrior, your journey is not just about swinging swords and crushing skulls. It's about proving your mettle and unlocking powerful abilities through a series of class quests. These quests will challenge you, reward you with epic gear, and grant you access to iconic stances. So, buckle up and get ready for some thrilling adventures!

Defensive Stance - Level 10: Stand Your Ground!

When you reach level 10, it's time to prove your defensive prowess. Each starting zone offers a unique questline that will lead you to unlock the mighty Defensive Stance. This stance not only grants you access to abilities like Sunder Armor and Taunt but also rewards you with a shiny green one-handed weapon that packs a punch. These quests usually involve taking on fearsome named mobs and fetching valuable items. Don't worry, you can tackle these challenges at level 10, and you can even complete them in each starting zone. Talk about versatility!

Fire Hardened (Alliance) / Brutal (Horde) Gear - Level 20: Forge Your Destiny!

As you progress to level 20, a thrilling questline awaits you, offering a range of gear rewards based on your faction. The Alliance warriors will seek the legendary Fire Hardened Hauberk, while their Horde counterparts strive for the mighty Brutal Hauberk. These pieces of armor are the cream of the crop, providing both protection and style. The questline begins at level 20, but the first piece of gear requires a daring encounter with Roogug in Razorfen Kraul. It's a challenge best undertaken in your early 30s. Fear not, though, as the subsequent quests are more straightforward, involving slaying familiar foes you've already triumphed over in the past.

Berserker Stance - Level 30: Unleash Your Inner Fury!

Once you hit level 30, your class trainers have a special breadcrumb quest in store for you. It will lead you to the mysterious Fray Island, nestled within the Barrens. Now, reaching the island may require some aquatic acrobatics—either a swim from the shore (watch out for fatigue!) or, if you're Alliance and feeling adventurous, a daring leap from the boat traveling from Booty Bay to Ratchet. Once you set foot on Fray Island, a gauntlet of fierce fighters awaits you in The Affray quest. But fear not, for there's a trick up your sleeve! Casting Demoralizing Shout has an unexpected effect—it scares your opponents senseless! By cleverly using Demoralizing Shout, you can breeze through the gauntlet with minimal damage until you face the formidable Big Will. This quest can be conquered at level 30 using this technique, but if you prefer playing it safe, wait until you're level 32 or higher. After emerging victorious against Big Will, you will unlock the mighty Berserker Stance and the thrilling Intercept ability. Get ready to unleash your inner fury and wreak havoc on your enemies!

So, my aspiring warriors, embrace these class quests with valor and determination. Unlock Defensive Stance, equip yourself with Fire Hardened or Brutal gear, and tap into the power of Berserker Stance. Your journey to greatness has just begun, and these quests will shape you into a true force to be reckoned with. Prepare your sword, hone your skills, and let the adventures unfold!

Whirlwind Axe: A Hardcore Adventure!

Congratulations, brave warrior, on unlocking the mighty Berserker Stance! But hold on tight, because the questline is far from over. The next challenge on your path to greatness is acquiring the legendary Whirlwind Axe. Trust me, this bad boy is worth the effort.

Now, before you can wield this awe-inspiring weapon, you'll need to gather some peculiar items. It's like a wild shopping spree, but with a touch of danger and excitement. Here's what you're going to need:

  1. 30x Bloodscalp Tusks: These little treasures can be snatched from those mischievous Bloodscalp Trolls lurking in the treacherous Stranglethorn Vale. Oh, but here's the catch—you must have the quest to loot these tusks. Sneaky, aren't they?

  2. 8x Liferoot: This handy herb can be collected if you've got the herbalism skills to pluck it from the earth. But fear not, if you're not a budding herbalist, you can still get your hands on some by looting it from the pockets of those Kurzen Medicine Men. Sharing is caring, right?

  3. 1x Essence of the Exile: Ah, the elusive Essence of Exile. To create this gem, you'll need to gather 8x Burning Charms, 8x Thundering Charms, and 8x Cresting Charms. These precious charms can only be obtained by battling fierce elementals in the perilous Arathi Highlands. Warning: Those elementals hit hard and play rough, so bring your A-game!

With your shopping list complete, it's time to head to Bath'rah the Windwatcher. You can find him in the Alterac Mountains, just up the river from Hillsbrad Foothills. Prepare yourself for a showdown with Cyclonian, a formidable elite elemental who's itching for a fight. But fear not, my friend, for I have some strategies to share.

Strategy 1: Potions Galore! If you're a skilled alchemist, craft two Nature Protection Potions. Take one before the battle, wait patiently for two minutes, and then unleash your fury upon Cyclonian. When the effects of the first potion start to fade, chug down the second one. This will give you a significant advantage in the fight. I tried this at level 38, and Cyclonian couldn't even finish my first potion. Take that, elemental bully!

Strategy 2: The Cheesy River Dance! If you're feeling particularly cunning, you can use the river and some thrown weapons to give Cyclonian a taste of his own medicine. Take cover behind your trusty projectiles and lure him towards the riverbank. With a bit of luck and skillful positioning, you can give Cyclonian a watery surprise while keeping yourself safe and sound. Watch out, elemental, the river is your new nemesis!

So, my intrepid warrior, gather your Bloodscalp Tusks, Liferoot, and Essence of the Exile. Make your way to Bath'rah and face Cyclonian with all your might. The Whirlwind Axe awaits you, ready to become an extension of your arm and a symbol of your heroic journey.

Remember, this quest is not for the faint of heart, but for those who dare to defy the odds and embrace the thrill of the hardcore adventure. May your swings be mighty, your potions potent, and your cheesy river dance unforgettable!

Decisions, Decisions: Rewards and Quests!

Congratulations on toppling the mighty Cyclonian! Now comes the moment of truth—choosing your well-deserved reward. But fear not, dear warrior, for I'm here to guide you through this perplexing dilemma. So, let's dive right in!

Whirlwind Axe, Whirlwind Warhammer, or Whirlwind Sword: These are the three options laid before you like a grand feast of weaponry. Each has its own charm, but let's be honest, we all want the biggest, baddest weapon to swing at our foes. That honor goes to the Whirlwind Axe, boasting the highest weapon damage. It's a true beast of an axe! And here's a little secret for our Alliance friends: Choosing the Whirlwind Axe sets you up perfectly for the Bonebiter, your next weapon. And guess what? The Axe Specialization talent applies to both of these beauties. Double trouble!

Now that your Whirlwind victory is behind you, let's turn our attention to the Sunken Temple class quest. This adventure starts with the Fallen Hero in the mysterious Swamp of Sorrows. Brace yourself for a thrilling questline that will take you to Blasted Lands and eventually into the depths of Sunken Temple.

In the first leg of your journey, you'll be sent on a mission to slay Helboars in the Blasted Lands. Those pesky creatures won't know what hit 'em! Once you've triumphed over the snorting menaces, it's time to delve into the Sunken Temple itself.

Inside the temple, your task is to gather Voodoo Feathers from the balcony minibosses. These feathers are your ticket to completing the quest and earning your just rewards. Now, here's where the choices get tough. You'll be faced with three enticing options: Diamond Flask, Fury Visor, and Razorsteel Pauldrons. While the other options may tempt you like a shiny treasure, take my word for it, my warrior friend—go for the Diamond Flask. It's an absolute must-take. Trust me on this one.

The Diamond Flask, like a precious gem, holds incredible power. Its healing abilities will come to your aid in the direst of situations, keeping you on your feet and ready to face any challenge that comes your way. So resist the allure of the other options, no matter how dazzling they may seem. The Diamond Flask is your true ally in the battles ahead.

So there you have it, brave warrior. Choose your Whirlwind reward wisely, swing that mighty weapon with pride, and make sure to snatch that precious Diamond Flask. Your journey has been filled with peril and triumph, and these rewards will serve as a testament to your indomitable spirit. Onward to greater adventures!

Weapon Progression

Upon completing your starting zone for your race you should generally be around Level 11 so your best option is to head to Darkshore or Loch Modan up until level 18-19. Redridge Mountains is your next go-to followed by Duskwood and Wetlands.

Weapons Galore: A Handy Guide for the Aspiring Warrior!

Ah, the thrill of battle! As a warrior, your trusty weapon is your loyal companion through thick and thin. And let me tell you, my Alliance friend, there's a treasure trove of weapons waiting for you as you traverse this dangerous world. So, grab your shield, sharpen your blades, and let's dive into this exciting list of must-have weapons! (Apologies, dear Horde warriors, some of these quests might be off-limits to you. But fear not, your time will come!).

Two-Handed Weapons: Unleashing the Power!

Level up, swing big, and watch the enemies scatter! It's time to talk about the glorious realm of two-handed weapons. These mighty weapons will make your enemies think twice before crossing your path. So, grab your battle axe, wield your mighty staff, and let's dive into this list of two-handed wonders. Get ready to unleash some serious devastation! Here's the scoop:

  • Level 8-14: Ah, the infamous Hogger! If you dare to face this hulking gnoll, you'll have a chance to snag the Coldridge Hammer or Balanced Fighting Stick as a reward. Personally, I lean towards the Coldridge Hammer, which not only makes Hogger drop his guard, but also grants you the stylish Stormwind Guard Leggings. Plus, who doesn't love smashing enemies with a hefty mace?

  • Level 19: If you're feeling a bit spendthrift and haven't found a worthy green weapon, keep an eye out for the Executioner's Sword. Antonio Pirelli, Brak Durnad, or Piter Verance might have it in stock. Sure, it's a bit pricey, but trust me, it's worth it. Who needs gold when you can swing a blade like that?

  • Level 20-26: Now, pay attention, my friends. The Defias Brotherhood has a tempting offer for you: the Staff of Westfall. It's a staff of power, but here's the catch: if you choose it, you'll miss out on the fashionable Chausses of Westfall. Tough decision, right? Personally, I like to strut around in stylish pants, but hey, if you prefer smacking enemies with a staff, go for it!

  • Level 26: Deadmines not treating you kindly? No worries! Gavin Gnarltree, Ott, or Glorandiir have got your back. Check out the Merciless Axe, a solid alternative for those who haven't had luck looting weapons in the dreaded mines. Take matters into your own hands, my friend!

  • Level 28-35: Love can be a powerful motivator, and it's no different in Azeroth. Complete the quest "A Daughter's Love" and prove your mettle against Mor'ladim. Your reward? The mighty Archeus. You can even obtain it early through a technique known as fence kiting. Just remember, love hurts...but it also wields a mean weapon!

  • Level 32: Looking for a big stick to swing around? Head to Booty Bay and seek out Zarena Cromwind. She might just have the perfect weapon for you: the aptly named Big Stick. Be warned, though—it comes with a hefty price tag. Your wallet might feel lighter, but your enemies won't stand a chance!

  • Level 38+: Brace yourself, my friend, because danger awaits. Venture into the treacherous world of the Scarlet Monastery and complete the quest "In the Name of the Light." Your reward? The fearsome Bonebiter. This weapon will be your faithful companion for a long, long time. Embrace its power, but watch your back!

There you have it, brave warriors! A compendium of two-handed wonders to guide you on your path of destruction. Choose your weapon wisely, swing with conviction, and let the foes tremble in your wake! May your blows be true and your journey legendary!

One-Handed Weapons: Unleash Your Inner Swashbuckler!

Ahoy, fellow adventurers! It's time to delve into the realm of one-handed weapons. These trusty companions will be by your side as you conquer foes and look stylish while doing it. So, buckle up your swash and prepare for some epic loot! Here's the rundown:

  • Level 10: Class quests are the name of the game here, my friends. Complete your level 10 class quests, and you'll be rewarded with a shiny new one-handed weapon. It's like a rite of passage, a symbolic gesture that says, "Hey, I'm a warrior, and I mean business!"

  • Level 23+: Ready to explore the lush Wetlands? Well, you're in for a treat. Complete the quest "Blisters On The Land," and you'll be handsomely rewarded with the Phytoblade. But here's the catch—it requires herbalism to use. Talk about a weapon that's one with nature! So, sharpen your blades and get your herbalism game on point!

  • Level 28+: Venture into the mysterious realm of Duskwood and immerse yourself in "The Legend Of Stalvan." Complete this questline, defeat Stalvan Mistmantle (be cautious and use your cooldowns wisely!), and claim the Crescent Of Forlorn Spirits as your prize. This weapon has a haunting aura that strikes fear into the hearts of your enemies. Embrace the darkness, my friend!

  • Level 38+: Razorfen Downs, a place of danger and excitement. Take on the quest "Bring the Light" and prove your worth. Your reward? The Vanquisher's Sword. Its name alone speaks volumes, doesn't it? Wield it with pride, and let its blade be a beacon of justice in the chaotic world of Azeroth.

  • Level 38+: Ah, the Scarlet Monastery, a place filled with holy zealots and dangerous quests. Complete "In the Name of the Light" and claim the Sword of Serenity as your reward. But here's the deal—choosing this item means saying farewell to the mighty Bonebiter. Only take this path if you're committed to the ways of dual-wielding or sword and board. The choice is yours, brave warrior!

  • Level 45+: Prepare for a journey into the depths of Maraudon. Engage in the quest "Corruption of Earth and Seed" and emerge victorious. Your prize? The legendary Thrash Blade. This beauty will be your faithful companion until you reach level 60. It's like a partner in crime, always ready to slash through enemies and leave a trail of destruction in your wake.

There you have it, fellow adventurers! A treasure trove of one-handed wonders awaits you. Choose your weapon wisely, hone your skills, and let the battles begin! Remember, it's not just about the weapon—it's about the swashbuckling spirit that resides within you. So, embrace your inner hero and embark on an unforgettable journey through Azeroth. Good luck, and may your blades never dull!

Heroic Strike Queue

Unleashing the Heroic Strike Queueing Debate: A Bug Exploit or a Meme?

Picture this: you're chilling in the Warrior Discord channels, minding your own business, when suddenly the topic of Heroic Strike Queueing pops up. It's like watching an epic clash of titans, except the battleground is a virtual realm filled with nerdy warriors. So, what's all the fuss about? Let's dive in!

Heroic Strike Queueing, my friends, is a bug exploit that stirs up both excitement and controversy. It's like the secret handshake of warriors, a hidden technique that promises to boost your dual wield damage. Here's the lowdown: by toggling Heroic Strike to activate on your next auto attack, you can bypass the offhand weapon hit reduction penalty. How? Well, if you time it just right—activating Heroic Strike after your mainhand melee attack but canceling it right before it actually casts on the next auto attack—you can grant your offhand weapon approximately 20% more hit. It's like giving your trusty offhand a performance enhancer!

Now, in theory, this sounds like a game-changer, right? Well, hold your horses, brave warriors. While Heroic Strike Queueing might seem like the key to unleashing the true potential of dual wielding while leveling, the reality is a bit different. Seasoned warriors often regard this mechanic as a meme—a quirky, inside joke among the warrior community. Why, you ask? Let me enlighten you.

Firstly, engaging in Heroic Strike Queueing turns you into a hyperactive button-mashing machine. Your actions per minute skyrocket, and suddenly, you're juggling more buttons than a circus performer. It's like playing a virtual piano concerto with your keyboard. It's tedious, my friends, especially when you're trying to enjoy your epic adventures in Azeroth.

Secondly, let's talk about the so-called "moderate dps increase." Yes, Heroic Strike Queueing adds some extra oomph to your dual wield damage, but it still falls short of the almighty two-handed arms build. It's like bringing a butter knife to a sword fight—it just doesn't cut it. So, you might wonder if all the extra effort is truly worth it.

Lastly, in the realm of Hardcore, where every move counts and survival is paramount, the intense focus required for Heroic Strike Queueing could become your downfall. Picture this: you're carefully executing your button-mashing routine, trying to squeeze out every ounce of dps, when suddenly, a sneaky patrolling mob catches you off guard. Oops! You've been so caught up in the queueing madness that you've overlooked a real threat. It's like trying to impress your crush with a complex magic trick and accidentally setting your pants on fire. Not a good look, my friend.

So, where does that leave us with Heroic Strike Queueing? It's a bug exploit with its fair share of pros and cons. While it might offer a modest dps increase, it also transforms your simple rotation into a mind-boggling challenge. Ultimately, the choice is yours. Are you willing to embark on this epic journey of button mashing and questionable gains? Or will you stick to the tried-and-true paths of warriorhood? The decision is yours to make, oh valiant warrior. May your actions be swift, your victories glorious, and your adventures filled with both excitement and a healthy dose of humor!

Danger Everywhere

Warrior Survival Guide: Green Mobs, One Enemy at a Time, and Escape Strategies!

Listen up, brave warriors! While you may possess the brawn and battle prowess that other classes envy, let's face it, you're also more vulnerable than a gnome on stilts. But fear not! We've got some tips to keep danger at bay and your warrior spirit alive and kicking.

When it comes to choosing your foes, stick to the greens, my friends. We're not talking about environmental consciousness here, but rather mobs that are three or more levels below you. Why greens, you ask? Well, it's all about the perks. Against these lower-level baddies, you'll have a higher chance to land your hits, unleash crits, and withstand their puny attacks. Plus, you'll even have a better shot at resisting their annoying spells. It's like fighting the little brothers and sisters of Azeroth—less threatening but still satisfying to pummel.

Now, let's talk strategy. As a warrior, you're a one-enemy-at-a-time kind of fighter, unless you've got the glorious Sweeping Strikes ability. So, remember, when engaging in glorious combat, focus your attention on a single target, or at most, two if you're feeling extra adventurous. Anything more than that, and you've got two options: (1) hightail it out of there or (2) unleash the power of Retaliation. If you sense that your reckless charging might attract the attention of three or more mobs, be smart about it—pull using a ranged weapon. This way, if the worst-case scenario becomes a reality, you can dash away, reset, and live to fight another day. It's all about playing the warrior version of "catch me if you can."

Now, let's address the elephant in the room—your limited escape tools. We get it, you're not as nimble as those pesky rogues or as magically inclined as the casters. But fear not, brave warriors, for we have some tricks up our armored sleeves. If you find yourself in a sticky situation with multiple mobs hot on your heels, try busting out Intimidating Shout, unleashing a Piercing Howl, or cleverly hamstringing your foes. And remember, my friend, the art of the tactical retreat involves a well-timed backjump. It's like moonwalking your way to safety while leaving your enemies in awe. Just be careful not to keep those mobs leashed for longer than necessary, or you might end up becoming the unwilling star of a never-ending chase scene.

So there you have it, fellow warriors. Embrace the greens, sharpen your focus on one enemy (or two if you're feeling like a gladiator), and when all else fails, show those mobs who's boss with your escape tricks. As a warrior, danger may lurk around every corner, but with a dash of skill, a pinch of strategy, and a whole lot of warrior spirit, you'll conquer Azeroth one swing of your mighty weapon at a time. Stay brave, stay vigilant, and may the loot gods bless your battles with epic rewards!

Best Duos

Unleash the Power of the Perfect Pair: Shaman, Priest, and Paladin - Your Warrior's Best Friends!

Attention, lucky Horde players! Are you ready to level up with some incredible allies by your side? Look no further than the holy trinity of Shaman, Priest, and Paladin. These support classes will become your trusty companions on the battlefield, providing invaluable benefits and turning you into an unstoppable force.

Let's start with our mystical friends, the Shamans. Oh, how they bring joy to our warrior hearts! These magical beings possess the incredible ability to heal. Yes, you heard it right—HEAL! And let me tell you, having a healer by your side during your leveling journey is like having an all-you-can-eat feast of victory. Say goodbye to excessive downtime and embrace the fast-paced excitement of dungeon runs. With a Shaman watching your back, all you need to do is find three damage dealers, and voilà, you've got yourself a dream team! But wait, there's more! Shamans are masters of totems, which means they bring a whole bunch of useful utilities to the table. So, while you're swinging your mighty weapon, they'll be dropping totems left and right, enhancing your battle prowess. And let's not forget the pièce de résistance—the legendary Windfury Totem. Drop that bad boy, and prepare to witness your damage numbers skyrocket. It's like a warrior's dream come true.

Next up, we have the holiest of healers—the Priests. These devoted souls possess unparalleled healing powers, making your leveling journey a breeze. Just imagine, my fellow warriors, less downtime, quicker recovery, and faster dungeon groups. With a Priest by your side, the only thing you'll need to find is three damage dealers to complete your fearsome squad. They'll mend your wounds, restore your energy, and keep you fighting fit throughout your adventures. It's like having a pocket healer, always ready to spring into action and ensure your triumph. So, get ready to level up with grace, my warrior comrades, as the Priest guides you through the shadows of danger with their divine light.

Last but certainly not least, we have the righteous Paladins. These holy warriors possess the power to heal, just like their Priest counterparts. Can you sense the pattern here? Yes, healing equals easier leveling, less downtime, and faster dungeon groups. It's a winning formula, my friends! But that's not all. Paladins, being masters of plate and mail armor, bring another advantage to the table. If one of you decides to take up the noble art of Blacksmithing, you can forge armor for each other. It's like having a personal blacksmith at your disposal, creating gear to suit your every need. And if that's not enough, Blacksmithing also unlocks the magical world of Enchanting. That means you and your Paladin buddy can enhance your gear, boosting its effectiveness and giving you an edge in battle. It's like having your armor sing with enchanted power.

So, dear warriors, embrace the power of the perfect pair. Seek out the Shaman's healing touch, revel in the Priest's divine intervention, and relish in the Paladin's armory of support. With these incredible classes by your side, leveling up will become an epic adventure filled with laughter, victory, and a whole lot of dungeon fun. Together, you'll conquer Azeroth with style and flair. Now go forth, my warrior brethren, and forge unbreakable bonds with your healing allies. May the loot be plentiful, the battles fierce, and the camaraderie everlasting!

Dual Wield or Two-Hander Weapon

The Great Debate: Two-Hander or Dual Wield?

Ah, the age-old question that haunts every warrior on their leveling journey: Should you wield a mighty two-hander or go full-on dual-wield frenzy? It's a decision that can make or break your leveling experience, so let's dive into the nitty-gritty of these choices.

First things first, let's talk about the undeniable power of two-handed weapons. Picture yourself swinging a massive sword or a colossal hammer, crushing your enemies with each thunderous blow. It's a sight to behold, my friends. Two-handers offer superior damage output, especially when you compare them to dual wielding. Why, you ask? Well, there are two major reasons:

  1. The dreaded offhand penalty: When you dual wield, your offhand weapon suffers from a 50% DPS penalty. Yes, you heard it right, half the damage, half the impact. It's like telling your offhand, "Hey buddy, you're only allowed to do half the work." Not cool, right?

  2. The cruel miss penalty: But wait, there's more! Offhand weapons also come with a significant miss penalty. That means your offhand attacks are more likely to miss their mark, resulting in even less damage than that measly 50% they were already limited to. It's like giving your offhand weapon a pair of buttery fingers. Oops, sorry, did I just miss again?

Now, here's where it gets interesting. While two-handers reign supreme for the majority of your leveling adventure, there are a couple of situations where dual wielding gets its chance to shine. Pay attention, warriors!

Situation one: You've outleveled your trusty two-handed weapon, and a shiny new one-hander falls into your hands. If that one-hander boasts damage numbers that are close to your two-hander, it might be worth considering a switch to dual wield. Think of it as a temporary fling with dual-wielding until you find a worthy two-handed upgrade. Just don't get too attached to those flashy dual weapons, my friend.

Situation two: Ah, Maraudon, the dungeon that changes everything. Once you've conquered its depths and claimed the legendary Thrash Blade, you can embark on a new path. This is where personal preference comes into play. With the Thrash Blade in hand, you can embrace your inner fury, respec your talents, and dive headfirst into the glorious realm of dual wield. Grab a Vanquisher's Sword from Razorfen Downs, and you'll be a whirlwind of destruction until you reach level 60. It's like a warrior's dream come true, slicing and dicing with a fury that knows no bounds.

So, my fellow warriors, the choice is yours. Will you wield a magnificent two-hander, delivering devastating blows with each swing? Or will you embrace the chaos of dual wielding, unleashing a flurry of attacks upon your foes? Remember, two-handers offer consistent power, while dual wielding has its moments to shine. Just don't forget, whether you go big or go double, make sure your enemies tremble in fear before your mighty presence. It's your time to shine, my warrior comrades!

Dungeon Tanking with Arms build

Become the Hardcore Dungeon Tank Extraordinaire!

Calling all warriors! Are you ready to take on the noble and challenging role of a dungeon tank in Hardcore mode? Well, hold onto your helmets, because I've got some valuable tips to turn you into the tanking hero your group needs. Get ready to lead, protect, and unleash some serious mayhem!

First off, let's talk about the perks of being a dungeon tank. Not only do you make dungeons a breeze for your group, but you also get to skip the never-ending search for dungeon groups. That's right, folks, with your tanking prowess, groups will be lining up to have you on board. Plus, let's not forget that bad tanking and pulling are the fastest ways to turn a dungeon run into a wipe-fest. So, by mastering the art of tanking and pulling, you'll be the guardian angel of smooth dungeon adventures.

As a tank, you're the boss of the group—literally. You call the shots, decide what to pull, when to pull it, and which strategies to employ. But remember, communication is key. Let your group know what you're up to, when you're making your moves, and what you need from them. You're the tank, but teamwork is what makes the dream work.

Now, let's talk levels. When it comes to Hardcore dungeons, being overleveled is like wearing a suit of armor made of confidence. It's especially crucial for tanks, my friends. Aim to tackle dungeons at the higher end of the level range. Why, you ask? Well, that's when you dish out more damage, hold more threat, take less damage, and avoid those accidental body pulls. It's like being the buffest warrior at the party—nobody messes with you.

Here's a fun fact: You don't need to respec to arms spec for tanking dungeons. Nope, your trusty arms spec will do just fine. When you're tanking, switch to Defensive Stance for that sweet 10% damage reduction and 10% extra threat generation. Your goal is not to be a damage-dealing machine, but to keep those mobs' attention and survive. So, focus on abilities like Sunder Armor and Revenge to generate threat, and throw in some Demoralizing Shout and Disarm to minimize the incoming damage. Shield Block can be your best friend when facing hard-hitting bosses. Thunder Clap? Well, it's like that shiny gadget that looks cool but can sometimes cause more trouble than it's worth. So, use it wisely.

Ah, the weapon of choice! Most mobs and bosses can be tanked with your regular two-handed weapon. But when you're facing a massive pull or a boss with a mean right hook, it's time to bring out the shield. Do your research before entering each dungeon, know the bosses' abilities, and find out which ones are worth equipping that trusty shield for. Knowledge is power, my warrior friend.

Speaking of pulls, let's get it right. Ranged weapons are your go-to when initiating a pull, unless you're 100% sure that charging in with your mighty Charge won't cause any chaos. You don't want to accidentally drag in extra mobs, get feared into other packs, or lose line of sight with your healer. And here's a sneaky trick for dealing with those pesky caster mobs: Break line of sight after pulling them to interrupt their spellcasting and lure them into your waiting arms.

Now, let's talk taunts—your trump cards as a tank. Warriors have not one, not two, but three taunt abilities, each with its own flair. Taunt is your main squeeze, forcing a target to attack you for three seconds while raising your threat to match the current highest threat. But watch out, it can be resisted. Save Taunt for those moments when you lose threat on a mob. If Taunt decides to play hard to get, you can always whip out your dancing shoes and switch to Battle Stance to unleash Mocking Blow. This little gem forces a target to attack you for six seconds, but it doesn't adjust threat levels. So, make sure you work your way up the threat ladder within those six seconds, or the mob will have a change of heart and go back to its previous target. Lastly, we have Challenging Shout, the AoE taunt that's like a battle cry that says, "Hey, all you mobs, look at me!" Don't forget to equip that shield when using Challenging Shout, and let your healer know to prepare for some serious damage. It's a party, folks!

So, my warrior comrades, embrace your inner tanking legend and conquer those Hardcore dungeons like the warriors you are. Lead, communicate, and make those mobs tremble before your might. Remember, you're not just a tank—you're a force to be reckoned with. Good luck, and may your shields never falter!

Useful Tips

Unleash Your Inner Ninja with Thrown Weapon Kiting!

Are you tired of getting your tail kicked by those pesky higher-level elite mobs? Well, fear not, my fellow adventurers, because I've got a trick up my sleeve that will turn the tables in your favor. Introducing Thrown Weapon Kiting—a strategy that will make those elites run circles around you while you rain down a storm of projectiles. It's like a game of tag where you're always "it," but the mob can never catch you.

Here's the scoop: Find yourself an object, like a fence or a river, that you can effortlessly jump over, but those dim-witted mobs just can't seem to figure out. Position yourself strategically so that when the mob approaches, you can gracefully leap over the obstacle while the mob chases its own tail. Rinse and repeat, my friend. With the right timing and precision, you can eliminate an elite mob using nothing but your trusty throwing weapons. It's like playing fetch, but you're the one throwing and the mob is the one fetching. Just make sure to dodge any slobbery kisses—they tend to get a little too affectionate.

Now, which weapons should you choose for this epic kiting adventure? Thrown weapons are your go-to option, my fellow thrill-seekers. Why? Because they are lightning-fast. Bows, crossbows, and guns may be fancy and flashy, but they take ages to fire, leaving you vulnerable to unwanted hugs from your newfound elite buddies. Thrown weapons are the premier choice for the discerning kiter who values speed and efficiency. Remember, in the game of kiting, time is of the essence.

Next up, we have the art of Stance Dancing—a skill that will have you swaying to the rhythm of battle. Stance Dancing is all about swift transitions between stances to unleash specific abilities. The best part? Swapping stances doesn't trigger the dreaded Global Cooldown (GCD). So, you can seamlessly switch stances and immediately cast crucial abilities like Pummel or Taunt. It's like a warrior's version of a dance-off, where you seamlessly groove from one stance to another, leaving your enemies dizzy and disoriented. Need to cast Mocking Blow while in Defensive Stance? No problemo! Quick as lightning, you can slip into Battle Stance, unleash Mocking Blow, and gracefully slip back into Defensive Stance, all in the blink of an eye. It's a true dance of the stances, my friends.

Now, let's talk about leashing—no, not the kind you use to walk your unruly dog. In the world of Warcraft, leashing refers to the phenomenon where a mob gives up the chase and resets if you manage to outrun it for a certain distance or time. But here's the twist: If you decide to poke the mob with your abilities, it'll snap back to reality and continue its relentless pursuit. It's like that persistent friend who just won't take a hint and keeps following you around. So, be mindful of your actions when dealing with leashing. Sometimes, it's best to let sleeping mobs lie.

For those thirsty for more knowledge on leashing, I recommend checking out a video by the legendary Tommysalami. He'll give you the lowdown on all the nitty-gritty details of this intricate dance between you and your mob adversaries. It's like taking a crash course in mob psychology, but with less therapy bills.

So, my daring warriors, embrace the power of Thrown Weapon Kiting, perfect the art of Stance Dancing, and tread carefully when dealing with leashing. Become the nimble ninja of Azeroth, leaving mobs dumbfounded and fellow adventurers in awe of your kiting prowess. Remember, in the world of Warcraft, creativity and strategy go hand in hand. Now, go forth and conquer, my friends!


Shield Bash

#showtooltip Shield Bash

/equip (your mainhand here)

/equip (your shield here)

/cast Shield Bash

Dual Wield Weapons

/equipslot 16 (your mainhand here)

/equipslot 17 (your offhand here)


/cast Defensive Stance

/cast Taunt

Mocking Blow

/cast Battle Stance

/cast Mocking Blow


/cast Battle Stance

/cast Overpower


/cast Berserker Stance

/cast Pummel

Hs Queueing

If you really insist on Heroic Strike queueing, here is the macro to do so. Pressing it queues HS.


/cast Heroic Strike

Final Thoughts And Conclusions Of Our  Warrior Guide

Well, thank you for reaching the end of our guide. To sum it up - there are many things you will need to learn but if you manage to push through you will be a viable part of your guild, raid, or PVP team. You can visit our boosting page to find useful services or our guide page for other tips for your leveling journey.

Also, a quick tip, be a nice guy. Good luck in the fields of battle!

Author teodoran
Published 2023-06-01