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Shattered Throne Guide

Looking for a new challenge in Destiny 2? Look no further than the Shattered Throne, a dungeon that's totally new to the game. Well, sort of. If you've already tackled The Whisper mission earlier this year, you'll find some similarities. But don't let that fool you - the Shattered Throne is packed with secrets and surprises that are all its own. Plus, if you want to get your hands on the legendary Wish-ender bow, this is the way to do it.

Of course, getting through the Shattered Throne won't be easy. But that's where we come in. In this guide, we'll take you through every step of the way, from navigating the dungeon's twists and turns to take down its toughest bosses. Along the way, you'll earn some pretty sweet loot that's sure to make your fellow Guardians envious. So why wait? Let's get started and claim those spoils for ourselves!

Listen up, Guardians - the Shattered Throne isn't for the faint of heart. If you're thinking of going solo, think again. This dungeon is tough, and you're gonna need backup. That's right, we recommend recruiting two of your closest Guardian pals to join you on this journey. After all, misery loves company, right?

But that's not all. If you're not at the right power level, you're just asking for trouble. We're talking about power level 560, minimum. Any lower and you'll be running for your life faster than a Cabal on a treadmill.

Oh, and one more thing - don't go thinking you can just waltz into the Shattered Throne whenever you want. This dungeon is only available every three weeks when the Dreaming City's curse is at its worst. So mark your calendars, set your alarms, and get ready for one wild ride. The Shattered Throne awaits!

Part 1: The Labyrinth

Shattered Throne Guide - The Labyrinth

Ah, the Labyrinth - the easiest part of the Shattered Throne. It's a real walk in the park. Well, actually, it's more like a run through a maze filled with angry Taken enemies, but let's not split hairs.

As soon as you enter the dungeon, you'll find yourself in a massive arena, surrounded by a towering structure in the middle and two towers on either side. That's your orientation point, so keep it in mind.

Inside the central structure, you'll face off against a tough enemy known as the Labyrinth Architect. Once you've shown it who's boss, a glowing symbol will appear somewhere nearby. And let me tell you, it's not just any old symbol - it's a white, glowing symbol. Ooh, fancy.

Now, this symbol is important, because it's gonna guide you to the next symbol. And then the next one. And so on and so forth. It's like a treasure hunt, except instead of gold, you get to kill a bunch of Taken.

Here's a rundown of the symbols and their locations:

  • Infinity Snake: at the back of the central building
  • U Snake: in the middle of the central building
  • Dragon Breathing Fire Left: in the left tower
  • Boring Bird: in the right tower
  • Fish Curl: in the courtyard in front of the right tower
  • Two Fish Spin: between Infinity Snake and Fire Breathing Dragon Right, in the lower area
  • Bird Fly Down: at the entrance of the area, where the first Architect dies

Once you've found the Bird Fly Down symbol, it's time to head back to where you started and take care of some enemies. Trust us, it'll be worth it - you'll get some sweet loot and the vault in the floor will open up. So hop on in and let the real fun begin!

Part 2: The Decent

Shattered Throne Guide - The Decent

Alright, time to get ready for the next stage of the Shattered Throne dungeon! First, let's equip some long-range weapons to take out those enemies waiting for you in the open area. Once they're gone, go ahead and jump down, but watch your step, no need to twist your ankle before the boss fights.

Climb the stairs and you'll run into a Taken Captain boss and his cronies. Give them the ol' one-two punch and the door will finally open up for you.

Next up, a hallway filled with snipers and Taken Knights. I mean, who invited these guys? Take your time and clear them out slowly, one by one, until both sides are squeaky clean. Then, make your way up the stairs to the left.

Okay, this next bit is a bit tricky, so buckle up. You'll be in a room with small beams to stand on above a pit. And what's waiting for you down below? Ogres, of course! Because why not? Take out the Ogres as they spawn and watch out for the rotating Taken orbs of death. Don't try to jump over them, just take a long way around to stay safe.

As soon as you leave the Ogre room, you'll be walking into a Taken film. This thing will slow you down and make it so you can't double jump. Plus, Taken Thrall will be swarming you and your health won't regenerate. No problem, just use the walls to jump up and over the Thrall. There's no need to be a hero here, so book it to the end, jump down, and walk out the door.

Finally, you're in an open area and it's time to take the large wall to reach the next boss fight ahead. Jump and climb while dodging the exploding walls to your left. And once you reach the top, it's time to get your void weapons ready and jump into the boss' room. Are you ready for this? Let's do it!

Part 3: Vorgeth, The Boundless Hunger

Shattered Throne Guide - Vorgeth, The Boundless Hunger

Welcome to the dungeon from hell! Get ready to face the mother of all pain, because this fight is going to be a doozy.

Once you land in the room, you'll be greeted by four Wizards and their entourage in all directions, and right in the center, the granddaddy of them all: Vorgeth, a massive, unkillable Ogre. The goal of the fight is to take down all four Wizards, collect the buffs they drop, and use them to make Vorgeth vulnerable. But here's the catch: at least one person on your Fireteam must stay alive, or the buffs will disappear faster than a bag of chips at a party.

First, take out the Wizard to the left, and then start making your way clockwise around the room with your team. Be sure to use something to take out their void shields from range, or you'll be at it for hours. Once you have the first buff, hurry to grab the next ones because you have 45 seconds to do so, or you'll be sleeping with the fishes.

Once you have all four buffs, dunk them into the fires around Vorgeth, and he'll finally be vulnerable. Unfortunately, he's not going to be in a good mood. He'll start lobbing Axiom Bolts at you, which hurt like a swarm of angry bees. Use a Warlock Well or Titan shield to protect yourself or run like you stole something. Shoot him in the face as much as possible before he becomes immune again.

If you managed to put him down, congrats! You deserve a medal, but you'll have to settle for some sweet loot instead. If you didn't, then brace yourself and repeat the whole process again, and again, and again until you either win or your mind breaks.

Part 4: The Climb

Shattered Throne Guide - The Climb

After taking down the monstrous Vorgeth, it's time to move forward and get your hands on the Wish-Ender bow. You'll start by paying respects to the statue of Sjur Eido and bidding adieu to the Awoken Talisman from your inventory.

The next section is fairly straightforward, but don't let your guard down just yet. Run forward until you reach a group of Wizards and a lift. Take the lift to the top, clear out the enemies, and keep moving forward. Rinse and repeat until you reach a dead end. But don't worry, it's not really a dead end. Just hang a right and start shimmying along the exploding wall. Think of it like playing hot potato with the walls - touch them and they'll blow up in your face!

Once you've dodged the booping walls and Taken Hobgoblins, you'll reach the final two lifts. Take them up and brace yourself for the final boss of the Shattered Throne. Get ready to use everything you've learned so far to take down this big bad!

Part 5: Dul Incaru, The Eternal Return

Shattered Throne Guide - Dul Incaru, The Eternal Return

Are you ready for the final showdown in the Shattered Throne? Dul Incaru and her Knight buddies are waiting for you, but fear not, we've got you covered with some tips and tricks to help you emerge victorious.

First things first, make sure your team is spread out on either side of the room. As soon as those pesky Psions spawn, take them out. Trust us, you don't want to deal with their mischief later on. Now onto the Knights. Take them out one by one, but be careful not to let them get too close or they'll be a real pain to deal with.

When the Knights are down to about a third of their health, it's time to pull out the big guns. Use a Super or some heavy ammo to finish them off quickly, because once they get low on health, they'll start moving faster than a Titan on a mobility binge.

Watch out for Dul Incaru's fire attacks, and don't forget to destroy her crystal shield when she summons it. That's your cue to take out another wave of Psions. Once all the Knights are defeated, be sure to grab their buffs. This will make you three times more powerful, and trust us, you'll need it to take down Dul Incaru.

Once you're ready, go in for the kill. With your damage buff, you should be able to take down Dul Incaru with just one hit. But be careful not to let the buff expire, or you'll be joining the Psions in the afterlife. To cleanse the buff, simply jump over the big cauldron in the middle of the room.

And that's it, guardians! You've defeated the Shattered Throne, and you should be feeling pretty darn proud of yourself. So go ahead, take a victory lap, and don't forget to collect your loot.

Shattered Throne Guide & Boosting

Destiny 2 is the kind of game that gets your heart racing and your palms sweaty - it's challenging, exciting, and just plain fun. But, let's face it, sometimes we all need a little help. That's where Destiny 2 Boosting Services come in.

These services are provided by seasoned players who can help you level up, conquer a tough task, hone your skills, or do pretty much anything else you need help with in Destiny 2. And the best part? You have two options - the player can either log in to your account and complete the task for you, or they can play alongside you to help you accomplish your goal.

One of the biggest challenges in Destiny 2 is the Shattered Throne dungeon, but fear not! With our guide, you'll know how to handle all the enemies and puzzles that await you. And if you ever need a little extra help, remember that Shattered Throne Boosting Services are always available to lend a hand.

So don't give up when the going gets tough in Destiny 2. With the help of Shattered Throne Boosting Services, you'll be able to conquer any challenge that comes your way. And who knows? You might even become a seasoned player yourself one day. Good luck, Guardian!

Author teodoran
Published 2023-03-28