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Destiny 2 Solar 3.0 Builds

Destiny 2 –  Solar 3.0 Builds

The anticipated new season of Destiny 2 is finally here, and it introduced some great updates! Along with the Season of the Haunted, Bungie released Solar 3.0, which is a complete rework of the existing Solar Subclass and was updated to perform like the other 3.0 subclasses – Stasis and Void. With this overhaul Gunslingers, Dawnblades, and Sunbreakers are now converted to the Aspects and Fragments system. The Solar 3.0 update means there are new builds for all Classes – Hunters, Warlock and Titans, adding many melee, super, grenade and special ability combos, all of which can be enhanced with Fragments. It can be hard to pick what to include in your Guardian’s build, so we will share with you what is the best build for each Class in our experience.


The reworked Hunter is all about high damage infliction and keeping your enemies on fire (literally) with Scorch and Ignition. 

For Super, we see the Blade Barrage as the best option. Because of the massive buff that Star Eater Scales got, the combo of these two easily makes the highest DPS Solar Hunter super in the game

There are a lot of different options for this build’s grenades. Gunpowder Gamble is largely responsible for the damage this build deals, but we need a Scorch engine to power it. The Incendiary Grenade is perfect for the job, even though not being the most damage inflicting grenade, it has a large explosion radius, scorching more enemies per grenade.

The obvious choice for melee and class ability is Knife Trick combined with Acrobat’s Dodge. When it comes to keeping our melee active, having Acrobat's Dodge works similar to Gambler's Dodge, but some tiny differences. Theoretically, you can go with any of the dodges, but do so only when combined with either Weighted Knife or Knife Trick. The Knife Trick is the best for stacking Scorch and it also throws a fan of flaming knives that scorch targets on hit.

Ember of Eruption is the best fragment when it comes to increasing Ignitions blast radius. It simply makes sense to increase that Ignition power given that we are trying to Scorch everything in sight. It is easy, yet lethal. Another option is Ember of torches – every time you use a powered melee attack against an enemy, its effect makes you and your allies Radiant. Last but not least is Ember of Ashes. The name is pretty self-explanatory. As we said, this build is all about high damage with Scorch and Ignition and this Fragment makes achieving this so much easier.

As for the aspects - Gunpowder Gamble, it’s all you need. You receive a charge each time you destroy an opponent with a solar weapon, scorch damage, a grenade, or melee. If you have six charges, your current grenade gets replaced by a one-use special grenade.

The special grenade is pretty much a few Tripwires glued together. It has a huge blast radius and does huge damage, it can take out whole groups of Ads and majors.

Unfortunately there’s a 15-second cooldown after using this grenade, when you can’t collect charges. It can be quite tedious, but we were compensated with getting to shoot the Tripwire Grenades in mid-flight. How cool is that?  

Exotics and Mods

Unlike the other Solar Builds, this one is pretty much optimized within itself. The gear doesn’t make much of a difference, but using some mods is beneficial. To sum it up, be careful not to hurt your damage. 

Sunshot will start destroying everything and recharging your Gunpowder Gamble in a matter of seconds. This season, Sunshots are likely to be popular because they are nearly always included in Solar 3.0 builds.

Star Eater Scales is the Solar Hunter DPS king. Your Blade Barrage with Knock'Em Down will do more than twice as much damage as a Radiant Celestial Nighthawk Golden Gun at 8x with the Star Eater Scales buff.

For the mods we recommend having Melee Wellmaker, which combined with Knife Trick and Ember of Torches gives us an almost always available Elemental Well, meaning there is no need for other methods of well generation. 

You can also use Well of Life, which benefits from Elemental Well generation. You will get a short buff to health regeneration each time you take up a Well. Therefore, each time you pick up a well, you will deal more damage and restore health faster.

All of this combined with Seeking Wells, which makes the wells come to us, and you will have a massive build that can sustain almost 100 percent uptime on all of its mod buffs. As the icing on the cake, you can add Impact Induction to your Gauntlets, which regenerates grenade energy for melee damage.


Warlocks faced a lot of changes and some people aren’t quite satisfied with the result, but we think that with the right build they will be just as fine as the other Classes. This build is not much of a healer, but it will definitely spark some fireworks, mainly focusing on getting as much as possible out of Well of Radiance.

This Super ability is still quite strong and keeps you and your teem alive and buffs damage on top of that.
Incinerator Snap would be the best choice for melee ability. It destroys enemies so well with multiple projectiles and grants radiant if you are also using Ember of Torches for a weapon damage boost.

For the Class abilities there are two option - Empowering Rift, if using Starfire Protocol, or Healing Rift. We will discuss what makes Starfire Protocol so strong a bit later and why it’s the Exotic we recommend most. 

Burst Glide – the fastest movement ability for Warlocks. It allows to move quickly when you jump normally, then just as you are about to hit the ground if you double tap the jump ability you will get a short burst and then you can repeat. 

Again we have a wide choice of grenades, but the most useful seem to be Fusion Grenades or Solar Grenades. If you will be using Starfire Protocol use fusions as well, and if you are using Sunbracers – use Solar Grenades. This combinations of grenades and exotics will have the best synergy. 

This class revolves around grenades so using the Touch of Flame aspect is simply foolproof, as it massively buffs your grenades. 

Icarus Dash or Heat Rises are not bad either. If you find yourself in a tight place, Icarus Dash gives you some good mobility, while Heat Rises can give you melee energy. The problem with Heat Rises is that in order to get some melee energy, you have to use a grenade that has been enhanced by Touch of Flame.

There are four Fragments that will help you out the most. First one is Ember of Ashes, which increases the number of Scorch stacks you apply leading to more ignitions, or in other words – you will get some pretty decent DPS. Next is Ember of Eruption. With the number of grenades you can throw and the larger Scorch stacks from Ember of Ashes, you will have no trouble collecting enough Ignitions. Ember of Empyrean is great for both offense and defence. When you make some kills with solar weapons, this aspect resets the restoration cooldown and radiant buffs. For the last one – if you are using Incinerator Snap, the Ember of Torches Fragment will buff your and your allies’ radiant damage by 25%.

For the Solar 3.0 Warlocks stat prioritization is important. Focus on Recovery, Discipline and Resilience. With this combo you will likely be healing off of restoration, secure your grenades at all times, and will have amazing damage resistance.


The overhaul of the Solar subclass probably worked out the best for the Titans – the class is stronger than ever and it has never been easier to create the best build for your Guardian. Massive damage is certain in addition to some pretty impressive abilities.
The best super ability for Titans must be the Hammer of Sol. It is great for destroying average health enemies fast. Not one super ability has great DPS, so we recommend using the ability that clears enemies best.

With the Rally Barricade class ability you won’t be needing extra protection from Towering Barricade and you will be able to deal greater damage. You should definitely take advantage of the weapon buffs it gives you. 

Using the Throwing Hammer melee ability will allow you to activate sunspots and wells pretty easily. Make sure to throw your hammer at your enemies from up close instead of simply punching them.

Tripmine or Solar Grenade are the two good grenade options. The Tripmine grenade is better for damage and scorch stacks, but you can kill yourself accidentally if you throw it at your enemies and it comes back at you in your sunspot. This is why the Solar grenade can be a better option sometimes, as even if you throw it at your own feet, you will be safe. 

About the aspects – the first we recommend using is Sol Invictus. Making the final blow with solar abilities creates sunspots and from those sunspots you can deal massive damage and get restoration. And with this you can keep throwing your hammer, destroying enemies and picking it back up, and if your enemies enter a sunspot they will be damaged and scorched. The other good aspect is Roaring Flames, with which your solar ability final blows will increase the damage of solar abilities, creating a good loop of damage as you will keep on attacking and increasing the attack damage. 

One of the best fragments for your Titan is Ember of Singeing. It deals massive burn damage and using your class ability boosts your damage. The other fragment you should definitely use is Ember of Torches. Combined with Throwing Hammer it will give you and your team radiant. You and your close-by allies will have pretty much infinite 25% weapon damage boost from this fragment. Ember of Solace is also a good choice as it makes the restoration from your sunspots last longer. 

Stat prioritization for Titans is also important, especially Resilience. Strive towards 100% Resilience. We are not joking. When you max it out it will give you 40% damage resistance to you and your barricade. It may sound too good to be true, but it really is that good, so make sure to utilize it.
Exotics and Mods

We strongly recommend Loreley Splendor Helm and Heart of Inmost Light. Loreley Splendor Helm gives extra restoration and a sunspot if you get critically wounded. Heart of Inmost Light boosts the effects of Roaring Flames even more.
Melee Wellmaker is again one of the most useful mods. Well of Ordnance is also pretty good – if you make a melee kill, your grenades will be empowered with roaring flames and in case you don’t have grenade energy the well will give it back.

Destiny 2 Boosting

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Author Eugency
Published 2022-11-18