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Valorant Agent Viper Update

Released officially on June 2nd, 2020 this fresh new title is shaping up to be the next big game in the FPS genre. It started quickly gaining traction with popular streamers playing it constantly and players from around the world showing interest and even coming in from other games such as CS:GO and Overwatch, which by the way, Valorant took many aspects from. Lore wise It’s set in a near-future Earth with characters called agents, who are all from different countries. It’s a tactical 5v5 shooter with two teams - one plaint the Spike (basically the bomb from CS:GO) and the other trying to defuse it. The maps are set up in a way that promotes camping and you have to always be on your guard when going through some angles and corners because a few shots is all it takes to be killed here!

Viper Changes Overview

This agent is one who is very unforgiving when it comes to mistakes. So if you feel like taking risks, this is the right champ for you. You need to know some specific angles on certain maps in order to fully utilize her kit and be useful to your team. This new Valorant Agent Viper Update brings to the table a whole different, new and improved agent, who has become more deadly and venomous than ever! Old Viper’s toxic screen (which is basically the smoke wall) was kind of useless in a sense that everyone just ran through it.

Valorant Viper Updates - in game

When we talk about her Snake Bite, which is the venom dot (damage over time effect), we can clearly see that it doesn’t fully execute the enemy and in a sense is kind of useless when for example you’re trying to stop someone from defusing the bomb. This spell is now taken more seriously because it can actually kill opponents way more efficiently now. The Poison Orb is generally used as a smokescreen but essentially everyone could just run through it without a problem, so this is seen as a weakness and is easily countered. Those are basically the main problems with the old Viper, her kit wasn’t that strong to begin with. The skill cap with Viper is quite high, so if you’re just starting out as a new player and trying her out, you might feel like all of your abilities are useless in sense. With the old Viper you had to spend a lot of time in custom maps to practice your abilities and the best places you can launch them from, therefore she required much more practice in order to be truly viable in real matches. You couldn’t just throw yourself in a match without knowing how and where to use her spells, otherwise, you’d be stomped completely by the enemy team.

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With the new Viper, you can have those line-ups with the wall but they’re way more consistent and useful, because now they can go through walls and previously you had to launch them over the walls while looking up, which was kinda tricky in itself to do. Sometimes weird stuff would happen when you try to align in in the right position while aiming at the sky and it wouldn’t land in the right position that you had in mind and that was really problematic, because the enemy won’t wait for you to align yourself and land the perfect skill, they’ll just move in and kill you. Now you can just cast it through the walls, it’s spot-on accurate and it’s showing on the map, which is much more effective than the previous aforementioned version of the spell and there are no gaps. You definitely need to spend some time in custom servers practicing the line-ups and in that sense it makes her appeal more to the dedicated and hardcore players that really wanna improve their skills with her. There are many walls you can use in all the maps and aligning your spells with them is key to successfully blocking off angles, turns and narrow corridors and pathways your enemies might be passing through. This is super important and worth the time and trouble because it will give you the upper hand in any match and not only that, but you will learn to come up with your own wall strategies, not just copy the ones from pro-players, although they are the most optimal for now.

Valorant Viper Updates - abilities

Viper is the kind of character that you can’t just pick up from the get-go and start playing her good immediately. You’ll need time to get used to her, so as we stated above, she requires players that are dedicated and persistent, willing to invest the time to actually get good with her. She is quite unforgiving in the sense that you can spend a lot of time building up a strategy and one unpredicted enemy ability can ruin your whole setup. So you need to take into account how other people can counter you and if they can do it pretty easily, then it’s not a good strategy. The good thing is that if you play around it and learn to use it more efficiently even if players try to counter it, it can be really useful and score you some well-deserved kills.

The new Snake Bite applies a Fragile debuff, essentially what that means is that a player becomes weakened and takes damage more easily, so you can take them out quickly when given the opportunity. This is actually a huge buff to her entire kit as it provides some very delightful and welcome buffs, that make her spells more effective and more easily cast. Playing Viper is like playing a mind game with your opponents. It’s about fooling the enemy, making them second guess your position and actually provoking them to make false moves, which could end up in some easy kills for you. Snake Bite can force enemies to jump into sight, while in the air they’ll have zero accuracy, which would also allow you to snatch an easy takedown.

That’s exactly what defines Viper - literally a little snake, slithering back in the corner when she lands a kill, knowing that her team is rotating, which makes her unpredictable, leaving opponents second-guessing her position all the time. You’re basically buying time for your teammates for them to rotate and maneuver around the map, holding the enemy in place or at least in a certain location, until your team arrives or pushes on the other side of the map - essentially this is a manipulation tactic push your opponents into making poor choices.

Her ultimate is really powerful in the sense that it provides cover for your whole team in a wide range and while you’re inside you’re hidden from your opponents which is a huge advantage, especially when cast in small spaces or close to an entrance with narrow exits or angles which gives you the upper hand and the element of surprise! This is a huge game-changer as you can make some really creative and unorthodox pushes which will leave your opponent surprised and shocked! Especially when you’re defending the bomb, it can just buy you time to keep it ticking and ticking, the more you delay and play around with your opponent, the better you’re doing your part! Her new Snake Bite is so powerful, that if an enemy is standing in it, most likely two bullets is all it takes and they’re dead. She’s not very picked right now, so pro-player teams should really consider incorporating her into their pool of agents, mostly because she is a strong, team-oriented agent. This makes her a powerful adversary as opponents won’t be too familiar with her tactics, so this new update is a really nice breath of fresh air.

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Author Eugency
Published 2022-09-24