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Overwatch 2 Ashe Guide

Overwatch 2: Ashe - Tips and Tricks

Even though Overwatch 2 made a lot of changes to how the whole Overwatch experience feels, the deadly Ashe has largely remained the same.

Sure, she feels a bit different in the new 5v5 format and changes made to the other heroes, but her core gameplay and strategies are just as effective as before.

In this short guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about Ashe. Things like:

Her abilities;

- The best way to utilize them;

- Team comps she fits in;

- Counters;

- And some other useful tips and tricks;

So if you’re looking to improve playing as Ashe and become a godlike assassin in Overwatch 2, read on.

Ashe - Abilities and Core Gameplay

As a true outlaw, Ashe has always relied on good aim to land some powerful shots in quick succession. She also has her trusted friend -  the awesome companion B.O.B, who is often hated by the enemy team and loved by his own. He can sometimes be as valuable as an extra player, so definitely make sure to use him effectively.

Generally, when playing as Ashe, you’d want to keep your distance and land good shots from afar. This means that your aim needs to be top-notch, to take advantage of her very high damage output.

But the cool thing about this hero is that it’s not effective just from a long distance. Ashe can be a force to be reckoned with even at medium-range fights, so don’t be afraid to get into those heated battles if the opportunity arises.

Just make sure that medium fights don’t turn into close-range fights. Then you can be in trouble. 

Passive Ability
Ashe’s passive ability increases her base movement, so you can quickly position yourself in places that allow you to do maximum damage. Positioning is key with Ashe, so make sure you’re always in the right places.

One thing that will massively improve your game is getting into the habit of always repositioning while you’re reloading. This might take some practice, but over time you’ll get better at quickly assessing your options and picking the right spots on the map depending on the situation.  

Coach Gun
Ashe’s first ability Coach Gun blasts the enemies in front of her and knocks her back, which is very useful in order to get some distance and avoid getting charged. While this ability does some damage, its best use is for defensive actions. You can also aim at the ground and use Coach Gun to lift yourself up in the air. 

Her second ability is the famous Dynamite. It allows her to throw an explosive into the air that can detonate after a short time, or when you shoot it. This allows for some spectacular gameplay and kills… if you’re a good shot.

Dynamite is also incredibly hard to play against because it can be thrown behind shields and causes burning effects to the enemy team. This can be extremely annoying to the enemy team, so make sure you make the most of it.

Pro Tip - The 10s cooldown starts as soon as you throw the dynamite. This allows you to throw it in a chokepoint from afar, get your ultimate and then have it back and ready to be used again as the fight starts.

B.O.B (Ultimate)
Ashe’s ultimate ability is unleashing her trusty companion B.O.B. After he is released, he attacks enemy players by charging into them to try and knock them in the air. Then he continues his attack using his arm cannons to do some major damage.

B.O.B is most useful after the fight has already started and the enemy team is low on health and shields. If you release him when the enemy team is not engaged in a fight with your team and they are at full health, they can easily just focus him down and kill him before he does anything. 

The Viper
Ashe has a strong rapid-fire rifle called “The Viper”. While it’s down the sights damage is quite powerful, the strength of this weapon is actually in its quick attacks which tend to also do some massive damage over time.

This weapon is great against tanks, damage, and support heroes alike, so make sure to use it well.

Pro Tip # 1 - it’s very easy to deplete your ammo just by spraying shots left and right, so focusing on aiming down the sights and making sure you land every shot can make a huge difference. The last thing you want in a middle of a fight is to have to reload, so make your shots count.

Using Ashe's skills in-game

While some consider Ashe to be a sniper-type hero, she is very versatile thanks to her hit. This means you can play her well in close combat just as you would be able to in a long-distance fight. Provided you use her skills properly.

The best way to utilize Ashe’s skills during a game is to make sure you’re always trying to initiate a fight alongside your team. Ashe is an aggressive hero and you need to play her as such.

This is usually done with the Dynamite ability, as it applies Burning to the enemy players that it hits, which makes your team’s job easier. Using Dynamite properly is quite a skill, and you might need some time to get used to it.

Good players like to shoot the dynamite while it’s in the air, to ensure it detonates in the best place possible. This might sound hard, but it’s actually quite easy to master, once you get the hang of it. The key is to just get the timing right.

Another very important aspect of playing with Ashe is positioning. If you can, try to always have the high ground when throwing your dynamite. This will make it much easier to have it blow behind the enemy's shields either by timing it well or using the pop shot to detonate it on the spot.

Plus, having the high ground usually gives you a range advantage over many other damage heroes, so keep that in mind.

Use Coach Gun when enemies charge you to create some space. This is your main survival ability and it’s crucial in order to keep yourself alive longer.

Pro Tip # 2 - You can detonate Dynamite using Coach Gun in clutch situations. Just drop dynamite on the ground and shoot it with Coach Gun. This will give you some distance while applying burning to the enemy at the same time.

Also, while in theory Coach Gun does decent damage, in practice it just doesn’t do enough and it’s best used to create space. Since this is the only ability that allows you to escape tight situations, make sure to not waste it.  

And last but not least, make sure to use B.O.B in situations where he can really do some work.

Pro Tip # 3 - You can use B.O.B to secure a kill by launching him into the enemy, which will knock them up in the air, allowing you to get an easy headshot. Since the enemy hero will go up in a straight line without being able to do anything, with some practice, you’ll be able to hit a headshot every time you decide to do this.

Team Comps

Generally speaking, Ashe is so good in Overwatch 2 that you can pair her with almost any kind of team and she can do well. But to ensure your domination, having a good team composition will make your life easier.

Ashe is vulnerable to getting charged down in the face, as she doesn’t do the greatest close-range damage and her Coach Gun is her only reliable escape.

With that in mind, Ashe can work really well with other damage dealers in the team, who complement her mediocre close-range effectiveness, such as Genji, Sojourn, Soldier: 76, or Tracer.

In terms of tanks, Ashe can benefit from abilities that can displace enemies, allowing her to take them down from a distance. Tanks who can do this very well are D.Va and Orisa.

Any support, provided the player knows how to support well can make a huge difference, but Ana and Zenyatta can be great picks, thanks to their long-range heals.


No matter how strong Ashe is, she can get countered pretty hard by heroes that can charge at her. Good players know this and a proper team will exploit this with good organization and timing.

You’ll probably have a hard time against Genji and Tracer, as well as D.Va. Widowmaker can also give you some problems if you don’t move around well enough.  

As for who Ashe counters, well, basically any heroes that rely too much on healing thanks to her Dynamite ability and squishies that get caught in her aim. She can two-shot most 200 HP heroes.

Overwatch 2 Boosting

Struggling with Ashe? Don’t sweat it. While she is a very strong hero, mastering her can be challenging, especially if you have a life outside of Overwatch.

This is why boosting can be a great solution if you don’t have the time or the desire to spend thousands of hours mastering Ashe on your own.

Overwatch 2 boosting is a service that allows you to play with a professional gamer who can show you the ropes and make you a much better player. You can have him join your matches and carry you, while you’re learning, or straight-up play on your behalf. The choice is up to you.

Either way, learning with a pro is way more fun and you’ll spare yourself a ton of mistakes and frustrations doing this on your own.

So if you want to improve your rank in the quickest way possible and get as good as you can get in a short time, consider Overwatch 2 Boosting services and take your gaming experience to the next level.

Author Eugency
Published 2022-11-18