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Overwatch 2 Junkrat Guide

Overwatch 2 Junkrat - Tips & Tricks

Junkrat is considered to be one of the most versatile characters in Overwatch 2. He can easily do some big damage to its enemies and hold down any area that he managed to equip with mines and traps. He is one of the best first-person shooters in Overwatch, and if played right – he can give you more than successful games.

However, even though Junkrat is more than a great hero, he is not so easy to play. If you want to be successful, then you will definitely have to spend some time mastering his skills. Today we will share with you some tips and tricks on how to play Junkrat for only successful fights.

Junkrat Abilities

Junkrat is a DPS hero, and his main goal is to make some pressure on the enemy team, together with killing as many enemies as possible. If his abilities are used actively, and his grenade is spammed a lot, then a successful fight can be easily achieved. Of course, with Junkrat the right positioning is also very important. His arsenal and abilities include:

Frag Launcher 

The Frag Launcher is Jinkrat’s primary weapon, which goal is to lob grenades. This character is perfect when it comes to attacking over a wall because his grenades can bounce and are being fired in an arc. Sadly, he does not have a lot of grenades, and you will need to reload. Here we want to add two tips – you should always be running only if you are fully loaded, and you should not fire the grenades at very close range if you don't want to get hurt.

Concussive Mine

Junkrat has one more ability – to drop Concussive Mines. So he can cause damage to anyone that was in close range of the explosion. You can use the concussive mines to make traps on doorways for example, or just to throw them at your enemies.

Steel Trap

You can't make direct damage when using the Steel Trap, but if you catch another hero, he will be stuck for some time, which will be more than enough for you to use your grenade, or mine in order to make some damage or even kill him.

Rip-Tyre is the ultimate ability of Junkrat. When using it, Junkrat pulls a rip cord on the giant explosive wheel. If you activate it, you can easily direct the wheel to any direction you want to, and then detonate it in order to make some great damage. However, when using this Ultimate you should be very careful, since you will be vulnerable to attacks, and the Rip-Tyre can be destroyed by your enemies.

Total Mayhem

Even though this ability is not of your use, you should be aware of it. Junkrat is all in explosives, that will blow up if he gets killed. They will make some pretty big damage to all his enemies that are unfortunate enough to be close.

Junkrat - Tips & Tricks

Now, let's give you some real tips and tricks on the gameplay with Junkrat. If you put him into a high position, then you have to use the Frag Launcher. You will be raining down some grenades and mines, which will make great damage to your enemies that are below. However, if you need to get close to them, then you can either leave a trap and run away as fast as possible or kill them using the Concussive Mine. In some bad cases when you are dying – Total Mayhem will do the killing.

Junkrat can easily make a lot of damage when using his grenades. However, there is one hard part here – if you want to attack in the best way, you will have to predict your enemy's movement, in order to place the trap in a good position. If you combine a grenade shot and mine explosion, you can make some astonishing kills. Furthermore, if you place the traps in a good location, you can easily slow down your enemies. Make sure that you are always putting the traps in unpredictable places, so you can trap as many characters as possible. 

Furthermore, if you have decided to use the Rip-Tyre, you need to position yourself in the best possible way. The enemy will be aware that you are using it because it is an Ultimate. So, better not to use it in a visible and open location, because it will be easily destroyed by your enemies. We would advise you to drop it down from a building since the enemies will not be fast enough to react.

In addition, if you are in trouble, and you need to run away, but you don't know how – use your mine. You can escape with their help, by throwing them below you and blasting to safety. That's why we will give you the next tip.

Another tip we would like to give you is to keep in mind that you have only 5 grenades. That’s why is strongly advised to use only 3 for example, and keep at least two for some bad cases. And, our last trick for today – if you are dying, make sure you will run towards your enemies. The Total Mayhem is very powerful, and you can kill a lot of enemies. 

Overwatch 2 Boosting

Overwatch 2 is one absolutely great game, thanks to the heroes, the maps, and of course – the abilities that everybody has. However, it is not an easy one and definitely needs some mastering. If you have decided to play it – great! But keep in mind that in some situations, you may need help. If this happens – do not give up, there is help for you! It is called Overwatch 2 Boosting.

Overwatch 2 Boosting is a service that provides help by a professional or very experienced player, who can either use your account or play together with you until you reach your goals. It is highly advised to use it, especially if you are a beginner in a need of some extra help.

If you have chosen Junkrat as your hero in Overwatch 2 – you definitely have made a great choice. Don't forget that you will have to spend some time mastering him, and building strategies. We hope we have been helpful enough to give you a fresh start and successful fights. If you ever need some extra, professional help – Overwatch Boosting services are there for you!

Author Eugency
Published 2022-10-23