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What is new in Overwatch 2

What Is New In Overwatch 2

October 4 is closer, and we are all getting even more excited about the release of Overwatch 2. Blizzard made us wait longer than we wanted, but we strongly believe it will be worth it. Today we will share with you some of the details we know about the game, including the seasonal updates, the Battle Pass, all the new game modes, maps, cosmetics, and of course – the free-to-play live experience, which we are all expecting.

But first, let us answer the most famous question – when can we play Overwatch 2 next? The PvP beta test period will start on June 28th. You have to request access to the beta website by filling in the opt-in form. Good luck! And now, let's come back to the topic – what is new in Overwatch 2?

Free-to-play Live Experience

Overwatch 2 is a free-to-play game, which, honestly, is our favorite update. It has always been a social game, but now, when is free-to-play, the barrier is removed and anyone can join the game, group up with his friends, or find a new one while playing. Furthermore, cross-progression will be added, which will enable everybody to play, make progress, and unlock content during his gameplay.

Surprisingly, we will not see Loot Boxes anymore in Overwatch 2. This will be replaced by a live service, that will give the users the chance to create their own experiences while playing. They will have the opportunity to get the items they are looking for by the Battle Pass, or they will have the chance to buy them in the in-game shop, which, by the way, will have hundreds of new updates.

New Heroes

Of course, Blizzard has prepared some new characters for its players. But this is not all – other, familiar ones will come back for a new dose of gaming experience. Those are Bastion, Cassidy, and Tracer. However, let us give you some information about the new heroes we expect in Overwatch 2:

Damage Hero Sojourn

Maybe the most iconic hero, that we are all waiting for is Sojourn. She will not only be the first Canadian character we have, but she will also be at the center of Overwatch 2's story.

Tank Hero Junker Queen

Junker Queen is a powerful hero that uses a shotgun as the main weapon, and she also has an ax, which is used when it comes to a melee attack. Furthermore, the new tank hero has the ability to spin more than two axes around her, and by using a magic glove to call her ax back.

Let's not forget that many of the heroes we love from the previous games will get some great rework and changes. For example, Sombra received increased damage by 50%, she can now help her whole team to see all hacked enemies even though they are hiding behind a wall. Reinhardt's Fire Strike is now holding up to 2 charges, instead of one, and Mei does not have the ability to freeze her enemies. 

In addition, Orisa was fully reworked – her ammo/reload was removed, and she is using heat/overheat mechanics now. She can easily knock back her enemies by using her new javelin projectile, and she was given 125 temporary health. However, Orisa’s movement was reduced by 20%, so she is not one of the fastest characters now.

Great Customization For All Heroes

One of the best changes in Overwatch 2 is the hero customization, which was taken to a new level. We have always had the chance to experience and improvise with the look of our characters because after all, cosmetics are the best way to express ourselves with our heroes in the game. 

In Overwatch 2 this opportunity has moved forward, and new customization for the PvE scenarios will be offered. We will have the chance to level up the abilities of our hero, which will increase our utility and will leave us no chance, but to work with our teammates closely. For example, Tracer is reloading Pulse Pistol automatically every time an ability is triggered. But, don't worry! Those changes are applicable only for the PvE mode, and the hero missions, so in PvP mode, they will be blocked in order for the equality between the characters to remain intact.

New Game Mode

Overwatch 2 will offer some new, story-based modes, that will be played in PvE modes. As we expect, the gamers will have the chance to go to battles together in order to go through the Omnic-infested cities. To do that, they will have to combine their power and come up with a great strategy.

Furthermore, a new 'Push' mode will be added in the multiplayer side of the game, which will give the players the opportunity to rug of war with the help of a robot. Three other modes will return back – Control mode, which will give the gamers a chance of fighting for dominance of the control points in the game; Escort mode, which will make the players to push the payload as much as possible; Hybrid mode, that will combine the Escort and the Assault one.

New Maps

New, and even more complex than before Overwatch 2 maps will be offered to the players of Overwatch 2. We will see not only Rio de Janeiro, but also Toronto, Canada, Rome, New York and Monte Carlo. Sadly, we still do not know a lot about the PvE maps, but we know that each of them will have a great, individual story, gigantic, customized map, which will be larger than the other ones,

We also know that some of the previous PvP maps will make a return, such as Dorado, Oasis, King's Row, Lijiang Tower, Route 66, and Eichenwalde. So, as we can clearly see, we can expect a lot of exciting locations, that will make our gameplay better than ever.

New Seasons and Roadmaps

Blizzard released that Overwatch 2 will give us a seasonal PvP model, that will offer us free updates every 9 weeks. This will ensure that we will always have something new to experience, and we will not get bored, nice, isn't it? They also provided a map, divided into season 1, season 2, and future seasons. Here is what to expect from those:

Season 1

In Season One, which starts on October 1, we expect to see three new heroes, with Junker Queen and Sojourn as the first two, and a support hero we are still waiting to see. Furthermore, 6 of the new maps will be released, together with more than 30 new skins. A new battle pass will be provided, together with a new mythic skin and a new game mode. Furthermore, we expect the reimagined PvP mode, where the players will team up and play together.

Season 2

In Season Two, which will start on December 6, we expect a new tank hero, together with a new tank map. Furthermore, 30+ new skins will be given, together with another new Battle Pass and a mythic skin.
Future Seasons

In future seasons that will come in 2023, we expect a lot of new heroes, maps, skins, modes, and battle passes. But do you know which is the best development we are waiting for? The beginning of the PvE experiences, which will push the story of Overwatch 2 forward, and make our gameplay unforgettable.

Overwatch 2 Boosting

Overwatch 2 is one amazing game that will give us many new missions to complete, a lot of challenges to deal with, and a lot of opportunities to level up our heroes. We know that those will be astonishing and very interesting, but we are also aware that they will not be easy to accomplish, especially for the new players that do not have a lot of experience in the Overwatch 2 world.

Don't worry – help is here! If you ever come to a difficulty, you need to go through a mission, you want to level up your character, or you just want to enjoy a better gaming experience with a more powerful hero – you can always use Overwatch 2 Boosting services. 

Overwatch 2 Boosting is a service that every player can take advantage of. It provides help from a professional and experienced player, who can either login into your account and help you out with completing your task or if you prefer to keep your details private – he can play alongside you and help you to become a better player.

Overwatch 2 is a game that we all expect, not only because of the many, exciting changes and developments but also, because of the great gaming experience that Blizzard has always given to us. However, we also expect the new game to be harder than all previous ones, so if you find it difficult, or you need help, don't hesitate to use Overwatch 2 Boosting services and make your gaming experience better than ever.

Author Eugency
Published 2022-06-28