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Overwatch 2 Soldier: 76 Guide

Soldier 76 - Tips & Tricks

Soldier 76 is one of the many characters in Overwatch and a strong choice for beginners who need to start the game step by step. At first glance he looks like a standard FPS warrior, but he actually is a very well trained one. His toolkits can often be mistaken for too plain and basic, but in fact he is good at everything. That makes him perfect for different game modes. Soldier 76 is an offensive character who can easily shoot you at almost any range with his Heavy Pulse Rifle. But his biggest flaw is that he lacks any special abilities, unlike Widowmaker.

Soldier 76 Abilities

We will start with all of his abilities in order to make you more familiar with the character. He is often defined as too basic, but if played by a pro gamer with good strategy, he can be powerful. То know his strengths and weaknesses, first you should be acquainted with his 5 abilities:

Heavy Pulse Rifle [LMB]

The Heavy Pulse Rifle is Soldier 76’s main weapon – a fully automatic weapon which covers almost any range. Its damage scope is medium and if fired in bursts, it has more accuracy, but when shooting fully automatic it can be less precise. Its first four shots are often much more accurate than the next, so avoid continuous bangs when the enemy is afar. When enemies are too close, you can empty the rifle magazine on them, but If not, you will need to use more delicacy.

Helix Rockets [RMB]

The Helix Rockets are a great choice for snipper shooting at motionless long range targets. They explode out of the gun at high speed and inflict up to 80 splash damage and 40 self-damage. The viewmodel has a colorful indicator which shows when Helix Rockets are available and a visual counter of how many shots remain before reloading. The blast radius is not that large as it seems, which makes it worse when used against crowds. It is generally most effective when used against one or small groups of enemies.

Biotic Field [E]

The self-heal Biotic Field ability will heal Soldier 76 and everyone who stands within the yellow circle. Because of that ability, the survivability of the character is very high, and thus, chances when you want to take out an enemy by yourself. The Biotic Fields could never replace a specialized healer like Mercy, but it can make the character’s help extremely necessary to his allies. If you want to boost you and your allies during a hard time, the Biotic Field is Soldier 76’s best “weapon”.

Sprint [LSHIFT]

This one is often taken for granted by most players but is one of the most rare and useful abilities. The Sprint gives power to your legs like hell – with that you can rush from one place to another for seconds. The ability is used for covering long distances without losing time, catching opponents or to just run away from a tricky situation. While having the Spring in his hand, Soldier 76 can increase his move speed until he takes another action.

Tactical Visor [Q]

Out of all the cool abilities Soldier 76 can use - this one is a blast. Activating the Tactical Visor means his visor cannot miss a target, a 100% accuracy. It highlights all the enemies in a short radius and gives you the chance to shoot them without having to aim. Although you won’t need to aim directly at the enemy, you can decide where the crosshair points for even greater precision.

Soldier 76 - Abilities Tips & Tricks

Generally speaking, Soldier 76 is one of the most approachable characters in Overwatch and a perfect match for beginners. His abilities are easy-to-learn and there is no need for much practice to be good with this hero. But being just good Is not always enough and expert gamers know that. With great strategy and a lot of practice, this character can be impressive. Today we will share with you some cool tips and tricks for playing with Soldier 76.

The most important thing you should learn is to keep him at a medium or long distance against enemies. He is not the best character for rushing into a reckless battle. Of course, there is always a way out, especially when you have the Biotic Field in your hands, but don’t mistake this character for what he isn’t. 

The Tactical Visor can be of great benefit, but again only when used in the right situation. When the opponents receive a telegraph, they have enough time to cover and you won’t need it. Perfect time for using it is during a fight when chaos has taken over everyone's attention and they are not listening. 

Soldier 76 is the most multipurpose character in this game. He has great range, high sustained damage and strong alternative fire. Although he is designated as an offence character, he can also be very good at defense. He can snipe long distance targets using his helix rockets and, when used by a pro, they could even be deadly. 

The perfect time for using the Biotic Field is when near a Lucio. This way you’ll have a double recovery!
And the last tip for today – “If you don’t practice, you don’t deserve to win” – Andre Agassi.

Overwatch 2 Boosting

If you are new to the game and have difficulties, you can always take advantage of the Overwatch Boosting Services. This means you can have an expert gamer by your side who will log into your account and fix the mess you made. Or he can just show you some pro moves which will save you a lot of time. Overwatch Boosting is one absolutely great decision of almost any problem that can occur while enjoying the game, so don’t worry to take advantage of it.

If you decide to play with Soldier 76 or another great character, just follow our tips for each of them and soon you will become master of the game. Overwatch is one of the most interesting games full of adventures and challenges.

Author Eugency
Published 2022-10-23